𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 - 8

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Janet pov:

I reached the main house shaking with anger and regret. I parked my car and sat inside with my head on steering wheel calming myself before I enter this place. Someone knocked on the window with a gun at first I was alert but later when I noticed who he is. I took my bag and locked the car.

"Keep your bag inside." He said.

"Why?" I asked him.

"We are under attack and we need help because most of the people are at the place where this fight was supposed to happen." He explained giving me two golden 9mm pistols.

I threw my bag inside the car and immediately hide one pistol in my boots. I always keep a secret dagger in my pocket. I removed my coat before wearing the bullet proof jacket. Once I was done I nodded at him and we both silently walked towards the main house through the secret tunnel.

We were at the end when we heard the voices, I got ready following him behind as soon as we reached the end we pointed the gun at the men standing there. Hopefully they were our members, Luis nodded at them and they followed us. We together entered the house from the back door, the house is extremely silent like something about this situation feels wrong.

As soon as we stepped in the kitchen two men attacked us Luis shot one and the another one attacked him before he could do anything. I pointed my gun at the enemy but I couldn't shot, my mind is not working at moment it's like the words are repeating. Before I could register what was happening the other man who was with us shot the guy in head.

"Are you serious?" Luis murmured.

"Sorry." I said. He looked at me for a second and said.

"Remember who you are now Janet!!" He said more like ordered.

I nodded at his words pushing all the thoughts to a side. I have to concentrate I can't risk anyone's life because of my personal feelings. Luis peeked out from the kitchen door only to move back immediately.

"There are many, we have to divide." He said.

"Altan and Janet, you will attack from the another side and Mike will be with me. Ok?" He said.

"Yes sir." They both said in unison and I nodded at him.

After checking once again along with Mike he left the kitchen. Altan opened the secret door which leads to 1st floor and we walked silently through that. We both stopped as soon as we heard the noices like someone else is walking towards us. I looked at Altan and nodded at him.

"Who is there?" Comes the familiar female voice.

"Casey?" Altan asked. She slowly came into the view with the gun in her hand.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"I was ordered to go to garage." She said.

We nodded at each other and separated our ways. We reached at the end of the tunnel, the door is already broken. As soon as we stepped out two men stood in front of us pointing there guns at us.

"Throw away your weapons now." One of them shouted.

Altan looked at me and I nodded at him, he handed them his gun and I bend down to keep it on floor. You know the moment where you are acting like you are keeping the gun down but instead you are waiting for the right time to pull the trigger. That's what I did, I bend down and when my gun was exactly opposite to his knee I pulled the trigger. Before the other guy could react Altan punched him in his face and took the gun and shot him in his head. I did the same with the other guy and we walked out of that room. We checked all the rooms if there was anyone else but found no one.

Altan took the AWM from somewhere and adjusted from where everyone was visible.  I peeked to see what was going on but I was shocked when I saw Alison and Casey were held by men and Jordan, Luis and Devil standing staring at someone who is sitting on the couch. They must have captured Casey in garage.

"Altan aim at the guy sitting on the couch." I said to him. He nodded and adjusted his aim. I looked from the corner of my eyes that a man was approaching us, before he could shot at Altan I pushed Altan and pointed my gun at him. He looked at me and smirked.

"Women don't get involved in this business ba...." before he could finish his sentence I shot him in his head.

"Who is there?" A strong voice came.

"Come here or else I will kill these girls." He said again.

"Altan keep your aim at him and don't make noice." I murmured to him and went down.

"Oh I see it's another woman." He said chuckling.

" mi sto divertendo "  (I am enjoying this.) He said

"I swear Roberto if something happens to them, I will kill you."  The devil shouted at him.

"Roberto?" I said trying to remember where I heard this name.

"Quien es esta bella dama?"  He said as I stood in front of him.
(Who is this beautiful lady?)

"Delilah Lopez." I said. He looked at me taking in what I said.

"You know who I am Roberto." I said smiling at him feeling disgusted by nightmares I had because of him.

"What are you doing here?" He said in pure Italian accent.

"I can ask you the same." I said looking at Alison and Casey. Alison was shaking with fear, she has hoplophobia and if she is even standing here without fainting then I must say she is really strong.

"No you can't, you see you all are not in the position to ask anything." He said smirking.

A man grabbed me by my waist from behind, I could feel him smelling my hairs. Roberto looked at devil and said something I didn't expect.

"Let's make a deal." He said and continued.

"I will walk out of this house like nothing happened if only you will give me her." He said pointing his finger at me.

"No." The devil replied simply looking at him.

"Then you all will die." He said and I laughed like a psycho in front of him.

"As if." I said kicking him in his knee and pulling myself out of his grip. I took out my dagger and slit his throat before he could do anything. Luis and Jordan charged at the men  who was holding girls, devil pointed the gun at Roberto. They kill the men and helped the girls on there feet.

Two other men entered the house but I stopped them.

"Stop." I said.

"Altan." As I shouted his name he exposed himself with the gun aimed at Roberto.

"Now Mr.Roberto let's make a deal." Devil said sitting down on the couch.

"Diamonds or your life?" He said.

"You will pay for this Carlos." He said before signaling the men. They rushed out of the house and came back with two big suitcases. They kept it on the floor and opened it revealing one full of diamonds and another with gold bars.

"The main one." The devil asked. Roberto took a box out of his jacket and handed it to devil. He smirked at him nodding at Jordon and Luis. They moved away from the door and let him walk out.

"Roberto." I said walking towards him with my dagger behind me.

"Janet." I heard the devil's voice but It didn't stop me from what I was going to do. I smiled sweetly at him almost making him believe in me, but next I stabbed his arm with my dagger and pulled it out. He screamed and hold his arm looking at me with hatred.

"That was for past." I said smiling and wiping the blood off my dagger on his jacket.


1. Second important member of mafia.
2. Handles all the secondary deals.
3. Strong, brave and handsome.
4. Good at hiding secrets.

Hope you will enjoy this chapter🖤
Sorry for mistakes 😅


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