𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 - 4

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Janet pov:

"What does he mean by that? are you buying me?" I looked at him confused, he can't be serious about that.

"I mean you are going to work for me as my personal assistant."he explained.

"She won't." Brian shouted.

"Why won't I?" I asked him.
"Because he is in mafia and you work for me." He said looking in my eyes.

"Last time I checked, you have already hired someone else and you have even sent all my personal belongings to my apartment that means now I can work for anyone I want." I said folding my arms and tapping my foot impatiently on the floor. I want this to end as soon as possible, I looked at Mr Amber he was already smirking at Brian.

"You don't know who he is and what kind of person he is?" He said moving closer.

"May be I don't know anything about him but I do know what kind of person you are and since when do you care about me Brian?" I shouted and walked out of the office fuming.

Ada tried to stop me but I entered the elevator ignoring her and pressed the button. Once I was on the second floor, I went towards my best friend, Jordan's(Jordy) office. I knocked on the door few times until I heard come in. As soon as I walked inside the office, Alison hugged me crying.

"OMG Alison I was just gone for few hours." I said hugging her back.

"We were so worried about you Janet." Jordy said hugging both of us.

"Why?" I asked confused, it's not like I was kidnapped or something.

"Brian said us you were with the devil." She said moving away. We sat down on the couch and I asked.


"Don't you know who he is?" I do know who they are speaking about and I know he is in mafia but why are they so serious? It's not like I have done anything to him or he has done anything to me.

"He is Carlos Ricardo, does that name clicked anything in your mind?" Jordan asked.

"Carlos?" I said thinking, but I came up with nothing.

"The Devil:Carlos Ricardo, The leader of Italian Mafia. He is not someone you should mess up with." He said.

I stared at him not believing his words, did he just said the person I was with is Carlos. I gulped thinking of what I did may be Brian was right, I am really unaware of who he is.

"What should I do now?" I asked.

"Did something happened?" Allison asked.

"I may have sell myself to devil." I replied.

They looked at me confused, so I thought it will be better if I explain them the situation. Once I was done with explaining what all happened since yesterday, they both looked at me with there eyes wide enough to pop out of there sockets. I would have laughed at them if we were in some other situation but right now I am worried. Its not like I am scared of him or something but I always wanted to live my life peacefully. I don't think that peace is written in my fate, every single time my life gets messed up because of my bad decisions.

"Janet, what are you going to do?" Alison asked.

"May be I should run away somewhere." I said.

"No, you can't do that. I have heard many things about him and I know what he does to the people who try to run away from him." Jordy said.

"How do you know that?" Alison asked him.

"I do know someone from that mafia." He hesitated while replying.

𝔻𝔼𝕍𝕀𝕃'𝕊 𝔸𝕊𝕊𝔸𝕊𝕊𝕀ℕWhere stories live. Discover now