𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 - 9

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Janet's pov:

I walked out of the house to get my bag from the car. I sat inside my car calming myself but my hand was shaking like anything. I held my left hand tightly in my right hand and breath out nervously. After complete 30 minutes, I collected myself and walked back to the house.

"Janet where have you been?" Casey asked.

"I was Getting some fresh air." I replied and looked at Alison who smiled weakly at me. I hugged her and asked if she is okay, she replied with a weak yes and kept quiet.

Something is concerning her I can feel that but I know she will tell me later.

"Delilah." I heard my name being called from the top of the stairs. I looked at the devil standing at the top glaring at me. He stared for a second then looked at Luis.

"Luis Increase the security around the whole area. John all these damages should be repaired by Tomorrow. Casey and Alison you both will stay in the member house for now and Miss Lopes let's talk." He ordered everyone and left.

I walked upstairs and towards his office. I knocked on the door and entered after hearing come in. I stared at him as he is on video call with someone, he is explaining what happened today. I stood there silently until he hanged up and asked me to sit down on the couch in front of his desk. I did as he said me to and looked at him as he came and sat down in front of me.

"Do you know what you did back there?" He asked

"I do." I replied.

"We made a deal, we let him go. Why do you hurt him?" He asked resting his back on couch.

"Vengeance." I said.

"For what?" He asked.

"Something that doesn't concern you." I replied.

"Everything related to you concern me Delilah." He said glaring at me.

"Why?" I asked.

"Who are you, Delilah or Janet?" He asked.

"Your P.A." I said sarcastically.

"Don't use that tone with me and don't dare to test my patience." He warned.

"Why did you rejected his deal?" I asked.

"That is something that doesn't concern you." He said the exact same answer to me.

"It does when I am involved Mr Devil." I replied back to him.

"Don't. Do. That." He said dangerously.

"I am your boss and don't talk back to me. Remember one thing Delilah, I can kill you in a blink just like I saved you."

I stared at him for sometime and got up from my place. I turned around to leave but again he stopped me. He pulled me closer to him, so close that I could feel his breath on my face. I tried to moved away but his grip is so tight on my arm I am sure it will leave a mark.

"Don't take my words easy baby girl, I know you are more than anyone here, I know what you are capable of and one wrong move I swear I will torture you until you beg me to kill you Delilah." He said staring at my lips. I am looking at his lips, the way they pronounce my name. I tired to clear my mind but this man is way more sexy than I thought.

"I am not scared of you Mr devil." I said and moved away from him.

"You can scare me as much as you want I am not afraid of you or your words." I said to him and turned around.

"We will see Delilah we will. You will be living here from today in this house and Alison has already brought your things and you will start your work in 30 minutes." He said. I nodded at him and left the house. Luis joined me as I was walking towards the mansion but he is didn't uttered a word.

"Janet." Alison hugged me as soon as I entered the room.

"How are you Ali?" I asked.

"Good I thought he would do something to you." She said.

"You know he won't." I said kicking off my boots and placing the guns and dagger in the night stand.


"You know I hate that name Alison." I said searching for the clothes to wear.

"I know but I have something to say." She said sitting on the bed.

"I am listening." I looked at her folding my arms.

"I am pregnant." She said. I looked at her with my eyes wide open, I couldn't believe what I heard right now.

"What the hell woman?" I said and closed the room door.

"I found out about it this morning." She explained.

"Who is the father?" She hesitated before replying to my question.

"Jordan or John." She said in the low voice.

"I think I didn't hear you. Say it again." I said.

"You heard right." She said nervously.

"And?" I asked.

"I am afraid to say him this." She said with the tears in her eyes. I sat down beside her and hugged her.

"Its okay, calm down." I said and rubbed her back.

"Let's get you checked up first." I said.

"No, he will find it out." She said.

"He has every right to know about this child Alison even if he won't accept it. You have to say him about the baby." I said calmly.

"I don't know.." she sobbed in my arms.

"Calm down. You have already faced great amount of stress in morning if you continue to act like this then your baby will suffer." I said to her. She nodded and calmed herself.

"Let's go to the doctor and later you will talk with John, okay?" I asked her.

"Okay." She said and after I changed my clothes we both walked to the other mansion where hospital is located. I entered the area and surprisingly everyone was there.

"What are you both doing here?" John asked.

"She is not feeling well may be because of what happened today." I lied to him. He nodded and called the nurse.

"I want to meet the gynaecologist." I said. The Nurse went and came back with a lady.

"Hello." She said.

"Hi, Can you check on her, she is pregnant and the father is in this room. She wants to keep it a surprise for him so If you don't mind can you keep it secret from everyone." I lied to her too. She hopefully nodded at us and smiled.

"Follow me." She took us to the separate room and asked Alison to lie down. I looked as she showed me the baby on the monitor. I smiled at the new life growing inside her.

"Janet." I looked at Alison who is crying looking at the monitor.

"Oh Ali!" I said and looked back at the monitor.

"Is everything alright doctor?" I asked her.

"Yes it is, her BP is slightly above than normal I think its because of the incident that happened." She explained and I nodded at her.

"Ali I have to leave if you don't mind." I said.

"Its okay Janet." She said and I was about to walk out when I heard her voice again.

"Del, thank you." She said standing in front of me. I hugged her tightly and replied.

"You don't have to thank me Ali we are family." We both nodded and smiled at each other.

Carlos Ricardo:
1. Leader of mafia.
2. Most Craziest heartless person.
3. If he finds somethipng or someone interesting then he will take it either by love or by force.
4. Capable of killing his own members who dares to betray him.
5. Keeps his weakness secret.

Hope you will enjoy this chapter🖤
Sorry for mistakes 😅

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