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So here it is.. the epilogue. Duhn, Duhn, Duhn.. I know it's probably a little shorter than you'd like, but this like the end of this book and the prologue for the sequel.

Information for the next book is at the end of this chapter !

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Cole's POV

I quickly sat up out of the bed, breathing deeply and holding my chest, trying to calm myself down. Beside me, Audrey slowly sat up placing her hand gently on my back.

"Baby, what's wrong?" She asked as she turned on the lamp next to the bed, lighting up our dim bedroom since it was still early in the morning.

"It was just a dream. Go back to sleep, sweetie." I said, trying to reassure her. She just gave me a worried look and slowly shook her head.

"Was it the same one from before?" She asked, running her hand softly up and down my back, calming me. I silently nodded, not wanting to think about it again.

"Cole, that was 18 years ago. You've got to stop thinking about it. We've got a family, a pack now. Why do you keep worrying about it?" She asked as I rubbed my hands over my face tiredly.

"I don't know. I just can't stop wondering what I would be like now without you, if you had choose him instead of me that day. I can't get it out of my head." I mumbled as I laid back down slowly. Audrey laid down with me, laying her head on my chest while I wrapped my arms around her waist.

"Sweetie, please don't worry about it. I did choose you and I wouldn't change my mind for the world." She said quietly. "Just go back to sleep. I'm right here." She said as I tightened my grip around her waist, closing my eyes and drifting back off to sleep.


"Guys, you're going to be late! Let's go!" Audrey yelled up the stairs as I chuckled and walked into the kitchen, shaking my head while I smiled.

"What?" Audrey asked while she hugged me, walking into the kitchen as well.

"I told you they'd be late." I laughed as she rolled her eyes playfully. "So how's my beautiful wife this morning?" I asked, tucking a piece of her hair behind her ear.

"I'm perfect. How's my handsome Alpha?" She asked, smirking.

"Amazing." I said as I kissed her lightly on the lips.

"Mom, have you seen my keys anywhere?" Kora asked as she walked into the kitchen, searching for her keys.

"Good morning to you too, Kora." I said playfully, making her stop and smile at me, walking over to hug me.

"Good morning, dad." She said into my shoulder as she squeezed my neck.

"Looking for these?" Our older son, Damon, said leaning against the doorframe, jingling my daughters keys in his hand, laughing.

"Aww, come on Damon. Give me my keys." Kora whined as she jumped at him, making him laugh and dodge her playful attack.

Audrey laughed at our children as they bickered like old people. "Okay guys. Your going to be late for school. Get out!" She laughed as they both faked hurt looks, before they broke and came over to hug their mother before they went to leave.

I wrapped my arm around Audrey's waist as they walked out, still playing at each other.

"They scare me every time they leave the house. A senior and a junior. They're just growing up too fast. Just yesterday they were fighting over their Legos, now it's keys." She said shaking her head. "Maybe this year, Damon won't be such a protective big brother and let Kora actually look for a young man." She laughed as I gave a soft growl.

"No boy is going anywhere near my little girl." I said as I kissed my wife's forehead. "Let's eat before the pack starts arriving for the pack meeting." I said as I pulled a chair for Audrey at the table and I brought over the eggs and bacon I had already fixed earlier.

After we ate, people started showing up at the pack house for the pack meeting I had called for the month. As the last few people starting arriving, Audrey and I went to the front of the room to quiet everyone before we got started.

My eyes scanned the crowd for my second in command, Collin, but he wasn't here.

"Sarah, where's Collin?" I asked her, but she just shook her head.

"I don't know. I was about to ask you the same thing." She said looking around the room. I sighed and nodded.

"We'll begin anyway. He should show up any minute." I said as I began with pack business.

About halfway through the meeting, Collin burst through the front door, instantly silencing me.

"Alpha," he said, asking for my permission to speak, breathily heavily like he had been running. I quickly nodded to him and he began.

"It's Damon and Kora." He said waking through the crowd towards Audrey and I. Audrey slowly came over to me, taking my hand in hers, worriedly.

"What about them?" She asked quickly with fear in her voice.

"There's been an accident." He said, making my heart stop. "We found their car but.. We can't find them."

Audrey's breath froze and she grasped my hand tighter as my snarl ripped through the air, wanting my children back.


Now, down to business. Info for the sequel! It gonna be a few days or so before I can get the first chapter up so just bare with me until I can post it, but the title is, Shadow Shifter.

I'm really excited to get the first couple of chapters up so hopefully I can get that done quickly for ya.. When you search for it, it won't show up until I can get it posted so don't freak out if you don't see it, I probably just haven't posted it yet..

Anyway.. Thanks so much for reading and hope you enjoyed the book. Please check out Shadow Shifter and let know what you think.

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