Chapter 4

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Taehyung's POV

I was busy making a fort for our sleepover, when sudden knocking sounded through the room. I quickly made my way to unlock the door, "Hey Chim!" I greeted, opening the door wider for him to come in. "Hey, why's the door locked,you never lock the door." He asked. I sat on the couch with a heavy sigh, "The asshole from downstairs followed me here and barged throught the door and sat on my couch and had the audasity to ask 'are you not gonna offer you guest a drink' eventually I pulled him by the ear and threw him out." I explained.

"Aww, Taetae has a boyfriend, Taetae has a boyfriend~" He chanted, making finger hearts. I rolled my eyes at his childish behaviour and ordered pizza, while he chose a movie.

After thirty minutes, the pizza came and we both settled on the couch to watch a movie, it was dead still, only the movie playing and chewing noises in the background until, "DUDEEEEEEE!!!" sounded through the room, coming from below. "This fucking asshole, dipshit, asswipe, motherfucking shit smelling bitch, stupid douche!" I yelled. Jimin laughed at my outburst. "Come, I'm gonna sort this fucker out." I said, while dragging him down the stairs. 

I knocked on the door, only to get no reply. I banged on the door, my fist red from the sudden movement. After getting no response for the second time, I barged through the door, "WILL YOU SHUT UP YOU MOTHERFUCKING ASSHOLE, STUPID ASS BITCH THAT CAN'T GET A FUCKING MESSAGE TO KEEP THE DAMN NOISE DOWN. YOU SHIT SMELLING ASSWIPE!!!" I yelled, and everything around us, turned silent. 

There stood the douche with another boy, that practically resembled a ghost. "Woah babe, I never knew you had such a dirty mouth." He said, while smirking. I wanted nothing else than to wipe that smirk off his shitty face. "Bitch, don't make me kick your ass, I swear on your sorry ass, I am going to phone the landlord and get your sorry ass kicked out of the building if you don't keep the noise down. If I hear one more 'DUUUUUDDDEEE' or one more thud, I won't hesitate to give him a call, so don't test me." I said, glaring daggers into him. 

He put his hands up in surrender, "You better, you motherfucker." I mumbled, and dragged Jimin back upstairs. "That was the asshole, I told you about." I said, while taking a bite of a slice of pizza. "The one with the shit eating grin or the other one." 

"The one with the shit eating grin." I said. "Well the other is so damn hot." Chim said, while fanning his face, which surprisingly was beet red. "He is pale as hell." I said, while raising my eyebrow. "I don't care, I want him to choke me with his pale arms." He said. I just shook my head. 

The rest of the night was filled with laughs, obnoxiously loud chewing, and steamy fantasies about the pale stranger downstairs which, chim would not shut up about. 

The boy downstairs- TaekookWhere stories live. Discover now