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i opened my eyes to see irina not on the bed anymore and i jumped up.

i ran downstairs and busted the door open, running outside as fast as i could.

she left. her car was gone. she left me.

i looked around everywhere. she was gone.

i walked back up the stairs of the house and went inside for the polaroids, which were luckily, still here.

so much for dreaming. you can't be whatever you want. i thought as i walked aimlessly, having no destination without irina.

all i'll ever be is a slow, pale, hunched over, dead-eyed zombie.

what'd i think was gonna happen? that she'd actually stay with me? it's hopeless. this is what i get for wanting more. i should just be happy with what i had. things don't change, i need to accept that. it's easier not to feel. then i wouldn't have to feel like this.


i was finally driving back home, but i ran out of gas.

i sighed and got out of my car, walking the rest of the way.

i looked back, as if to see lu there.. but i quickly turned and looked straight ahead.

i walked and walked until i finally reached the wall, where a gun was pointed at me. "identify yourself!"

"it's just me, kevin. it's okay. im fine." i said.

"stop right there."

i lifted my hands. "it's okay, i'm not infected."

"i said stop, irina."

"okay. fine."

kevin picked a device up and held it to my eye.

the wall opened and my father walked out. "is she okay?"

"clear, sir."

i stepped up and walked to my dad. "hi dad."

"i sent a half a dozen units out looking for you. trina said you were taken to-"

"yeah, i was but i, um, i escaped. i was.. hold up in a house in the suburbs and i got in a car so i came here."

"irina are you sure nothing bit you?"

"do i look infected to you, dad?"

"we have to be safe."

"yeah, i know. i know. i'm fine, though. i promise." i hugged my dad.

"i thought i lost you." he mumbled.

"well, you didn't, dad. i'm here."

"welcome home." he mumbled again.

"yeah. good to be back." i said, as he put his hand on my shoulder and we walked through the wall together.

Cold Body, Warm HeartWhere stories live. Discover now