Tell Me, I Wanna Know

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Its been a few days and everything seems, normal?

Jimin wanted to ask the younger why he was acting the way he was but when they met the next day Taehyung seemed pretty normal. But the thing that's bothering Jimin is that he's too normal.

Right now Jimin was sitting on the middle couch of the living room reading a book while Hobi was out with Jin and Namjoon for some shopping.
After a few minutes the front gate opens and before Jimin could look who it was a familiar scent made its way in his nose and soft pair of lips touched his plumply ones.

He blinked a few second and kissed back while his face pressed back on the couch and his hands clutched the book tighter, he opened his eyes which he didn't even realize that he had closed and saw Taehyung's face upside down as he was crouching on the side of the couch.


Taehyung said in a soft tone and Jimin smiled


I thought you were meeting your father?"

Jimin asked because according to him Taehyung left an hour ago to meet his father and was going to pick up lunch on the way so they can eat together after he's done.

"I did bub"

"Taehyung its only been an hour, that includes 30 minutes of going and coming back plus you have food?"

Jimin questions and Taehyung sighs.



Taehyung replied teasingly and Jimin chuckled

"Nobody says that anymore"

Jimin says and Taehyung fake gasps while clutching his heart, seeming offended but Jimin just laughs.

"That deeply hurt my feelings!"


Jimin says in a rather stern voice this time, Taehyung just drops his act and hovers over Jimin on the couch, he takes Jimin's hand and adjust himself between his book and entangles their legs and sighs while hugging the older.

"What's wrong?"

Jimin asks while putting the book beside him and running his hand over younger's hair which calms Taehyung more.

"I don't wanna see his face"

"Whose face?"

Jimin questions, visibly confuse as to who the younger is talking about.

But Taehyung just sighs and pouts and hugs Jimin closer if that was even possible. Jimin took it as a sign to let the younger take his time.


After an hour or so, Jimin opens his eyes to realize the body heat over him gone, instead he was covered with a blanket. He gets up rubbing his eyes with his small paw like hands and he sees Taehyung heating the food.

He goes over while wrapping the blanket around him like a burrito and hugs the younger from behind who tenses just for a second but relaxes as he smells the beautiful scent of the older which warms him.

He turns around slowly looking at the purple head who still seem sleepy and leaves a small kiss on his hair while they hug each other waiting for the food to eat.

This small act was comforting enough for Taehyung to see that he should just tell Jimin even if he feels stupid for being so weak, when he tries to be all cold and mysterious in front of others.

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