the things left unsaid

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Leah took her white sneakers off and lifted her feet on top of the glove department. Rose was sitting on the driver's seat, steering them along the beautiful coast. The colorful buildings of Genoa were flashing beside them. It was beautiful, almost like a movie. But still Leah was prettier than the view, Rose thought, smiling to herself. It wasn't easy for Rose to feel something about a person, but during the couple of weeks they had spend together, there definitely was something. A tension, even if it was only attraction. 

Leah stared to the horizon. There were a thousand thoughts racing through her head, every single one about Rose. She had acted on an impulse when she went to talk to the redhead at a bar a few weeks ago. Maybe it was fate telling her to do that, she thought. But at that moment, everything felt so right, meant to be. Call it kismet or whatever, Leah was happy.

"Do you ski?", Rose suddenly asked, really out of nowhere.

"Huh?" Leah asked, turning her head and falling down from her cloud. Rose smiled at her and Leah felt butterflies in her stomach. She smiled back, twiddling a strand of hair around her pointer finger.

"Do you ski? Do you know how to?" Rose asked again.

"Oh, yeah, I mean I snowboard", Leah replied.

"So you're one of those", Rose smirked. She was focused on the road, but her slightest gestures made it feel like she was looking directly at Leah.

"What's wrong with snowboarders?" 

"Oh, nothing, sometimes I feel they have a bit of an ego, that's all."

"Well. I'm not one of those then."

"In that case, would you be up to visiting the alps? You can pick which country."

"Jeez, I would, but I most definitely can't afford that."

"Don't worry about that, I'll pay for everything. Have you been there before?"

Both women had their secrets. They weren't brought up or questioned, now wouldn't be the time either. Still there was a trust between them, as strong as it could be after knowing each other for less than three weeks. 

"Um... Yeah, when I was like twelve, Avoriaz", Leah answered, but her thoughts were already elsewhere.

"Oh là là, France!", Rose demonstrated her French skills.

Leah smiled: "Nous savons tous les deux je suis mieux en français."

"Huh?" Rose asked, not understanding a word Leah was saying.

"Nothing", Leah mumbled, smiling to herself. She was better at French, yes, and spending time with Rose was amazing. But the things left unsaid wouldn't stop bothering her. Especially considering her own secrets. On the other hand, she had never been one to turn down adventures.

"Yeah, let's go. How's Switzerland?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2020 ⏰

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