Can I buy you a drink?

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"Can I buy you a drink?"

Rose turned her head. On her left, she saw a pretty blonde girl in a black dress with bold brows standing next to her. She looked young - noticeably younger than Rose was. 


The girl crunched her eyebrows as to ask a question.

"It's just... I'm usually the one buying the drinks", Rose said in a careful way in which she usually spoke and looked the blonde up and down with a slight smile. 

Now the girl raised her dark brows.

"But yes, I would like that", Rose answered looking deep into her eyes and leaned her head onto her palm. It seemed she was already studying the girl's essence. It had been a long time since Rose had dated just for dating itself, but something about the girl made everything feel so natural already.

"Great", the girl said and sat down next to Rose: "And frankly, you're not exactly my type either."

Rose chuckled.

"See, I'm not usually into redheads. But you... are gorgeous", she explained jokingly, her eyes following Rose's body with the last sentence. A tension was really starting to build up between these two. Rose bit her lip as the blonde gestured something to the bartender who then brought two martinis for the women.

"Well, I'm Leah", the girl introduced herself and took a sip of her drink without her look leaving Rose's eyes or even blinking. 

"I'm Rose", our protagonist replied. 

"Nice to meet you, Rose. What are you doing here today?"

"Dipping my toes into the dating world again, actually", she confessed.

"That sounds opportune for me." The girl's look visited her drink, but with a bat of her eyes she brought back the flirty, yet deep, eye contact. Her long lashes were compelling. "Where are you from? You don't sound like a local."

"From Florida. I totally forgot we aren't in America since you were speaking english."

"How have you been enjoying Italy?"

"Oh, it's stunning! Where are you from yourself?"

"Northern Europe."

"Where there?"

"Doesn't matter."

Leah's interest in Rose was flattering, but the secrecy begun to worry the older woman. A runaway criminal has to be careful, after all. She decided to brush the feeling off  for now. The girl seemed interesting - and not a lot of people usually did.

"Your english is really good", Rose pointed out

"Thanks, I've lived in New York for a couple years, might be that."

"So do you live here now, or...?"

"Well, at the moment I live in a rented apartment here in Genoa. It's just a walk away. I could show you... If you'd like to come over?"

Rose bit her lip and downed the rest of her drink: "That sounds nice."

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