Broken hearted

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Conrad drove home after his shift had ended. The woman from social services was staying with Sonny so she wasn't alone. Conrad knew Sonny had been upset to find out that Nic had left. Conrad pulled into driveway and parked his car. He grabbed his things off the passenger seat and got out of the car. He unlocked the front door then stepped inside trying his best to be quiet. After making sure the front door was locked again Conrad walked upstairs to their bedroom. He could tell Nic was asleep but she had left the tv on. She was asleep with one arm around their dog Frankie. He walked slowly into the room and knelt down by her side of the bed. The light from the tv was just bright enough that he could see the tear tracks on her face. Before standing up he kissed her forehead lightly. Conrad quickly got changed then turned off the tv. He then crawled into bed next to Nic. He kissed her on the head again and placed his arm around her. As Conrad lay there with his eyes closed he felt Nic reach up and take his hand. He smiled and gave Nic's hand a gentle squeeze before drifting off completely.

The next morning Conrad woke up before Nic and decided to make her breakfast. He planned to wake her as soon as it was ready. But a few minutes later he heard the water in the shower start running. He finished cooking breakfast right as she came out of the shower. "Hey." Conrad said softly before giving her a kiss. He knew the real reason Nic had left last night without telling him. He knew it was because of the baby they had lost. Nic blamed herself for the miscarriage. Conrad knew she was still grieving. He also knew she had taken a liking to Sonny. If he was going to talk to her he knew he had to tread carefully. Nic sat down at the table and Conrad served her breakfast. He made himself a plate then sat down at the table across from Nic. They we're both silent for a few minutes. Nic knew Conrad was wanting to talk about last night. He was about to say something when Nic said "I'm fine. I don't want to have this conversation." Conrad sighed and said "Nic I see that you have taken a liking to Sonny. I know you probably feel like your losing her too. But it doesn't have to be that way." Nic looked up at him trying to hold back tears. "What do you mean?" She asked not understanding. Conrad reached out and took her hand. "I know you've been wanting to adopt since we lost our little one." He said gently. Nic sat back in her chair. "Conrad I don't know what to say. We aren't even ready to have a child in the house. We don't have a room ready or anything." She said. Conrad nodded. "The woman from social services told me the foster homes are pretty full. She said they are always looking for people to foster kids until they can find a family." He said. Nic hid her face in her hands. "Sonny is a sweetheart. I won't deny that I took a liking to Sonny. But you of all people should know that I can't handle raising another child just to have them taken away again." She said. Conrad sighed. The conversation was not going the way he had planned. Before he could say anything else Nic stood up. "I have to get going." She said. "Nic I-." He said. Nic's voice broke. "Conrad I love you but I really can't talk about this." She said kissing him on the cheek then leaving.

Later that night Conrad found Nic on her break. She was in Sonny's hospital room. He watched as Sonny and Nic talked happily. Sonny was playing with a stuffed animal that Conrad assumed Nic had given to her. He could hear them both laughing as Nic took the stuffed animal and made it kiss Sonny's nose. He smiled at the sound of their laughter. On his way to the hospital Conrad had stopped and bought some flowers for Nic. He stepped into the room holding the flowers. "Nic?" He asked. Nic looked up at him. She gave him a small smile then saw the flowers he was holding. "I'm sorry." He said holding them out to her. Nic's eyes filled with tears. She stood up and hugged Conrad. "I love you." Nic told him. Conrad smiled and kissed her on the lips. "I love you too." He said. They we're hugging each other when Sonny started gasping for air and struggling to breathe. The alarms on the machine she was hooked up to started going off. Her SATS were dropping quickly. "We need to intubate." Nic said moving to the head of the bed and adjusting the bed so Sonny was laying flat. Conrad grabbed an intubation kit and handed it to Nic. Sonny had passed out and Nic was trying to intubate her. "Conrad I can't get the tube in." She said trying not to panic. "Here let me try." Conrad said then traded places with Nic. Conrad was trying his best to get her intubated. Nic was watching nervously with tears streaming down her face. She was holding Sonny's hand tightly. "It's going to be ok sweety. I promise." Nic said knowing that Conrad was right. Sonny needed them.

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