monsters inc - one

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Knock knock.

"Come in."

Tuffs of indigo poked through the door, as well as the flushed face of Tamaki. Y/N smiled and crawled out from under the covers and bolted over to the boy.

"Ta-kun!~" She spread her arms out to give him a hug, but he ducked out of the way just in time, sending the girl flying outside her door.

She stumbled over her feet, managing to balance herself. She turned around and balled her fists at her sides, her lips pouting and her face heating up.

Tamaki just rubbed the back of his neck, avoiding her gaze. "Sorry..." he muttered softly.

Y/N watched him for a moment, hues thoughtful, before a sly grin appeared on her face.

"You can pay me back-" she held her arms back up, "with a hug?"

The indigo boy sighed, and she took that as her answer. She wrapped her arms around his muscular frame, giving him a slight squeeze before pulling away.

She laughed when she saw his beet red face, grinning from ear to ear.

"S-So, what did you say we were watching again...?" He asked as Y/N shut the door.



"Kidding!" She smiled, taking his hand as she dragged him over to her bed. "Monsters INC. I grew up with this movie."

He nodded, and she jumped onto her mattress, snuggling into her soft blankets and pillows. tamaki slid down the side of her bed, plopping onto the floor.

Y/N raised an eyebrow, leaning over the edge to look down at him.

"You know, you can join me."

"Huh?" He sent her a startled look, his cheeks burning.

"Of course you can! it's not weird," she smirked, "unless you were thinking lewd things, Ta-kun."

His eyes widened, and he waved his hands in front of his face, his body slightly shaking.

"W-What? no- I- no!" He stuttered out, only to pout when he saw the girl above him giggling up a storm.

Before he had time to react, she grabbed his wrist and yanked him off the ground, before pulling him into the bed with her.

l/n y/n!
quirk: super strength!

While he was in momentary shock, y/n pressed the play button on her remote, and the movie started playing.

"Ah, I love this movie!" She beamed with excitement.

Tamaki recovered from his state, and gave her a gentle look, a soft smile on his face. "I can tell."

It fell into a comfortable silence, leaving the two just enjoying the other's company, despite the boy being on the very edge of the bed.

After a while, much to Y/N's surprise, Tamaki was the first one to speak up.

"You know, this is my first time watching a Disney movie."

She shot up, her eyes wide. "No way! Really?"



He frowned. "My mom thinks Walt Disney sold his soul to the devil. She doesn't trust big companies."

It went dead silent for a few seconds, the only sound was the soft murmur of the TV.

Tamaki looked down, his locks covering his eyes.


He let out a gasp when he felt two arms slither around his neck and pull him back. He started shaking until he felt a finger tuck a strand of hair behind his ear.

He looked up and was met with Y/N's smiling face, and reality struck him.

His head was resting on her thighs.

The blood immediately rushed to his face, and he scrambled to sit up, ignoring Y/N's disappointed expression.

"What's wrong?" She asked, her head tilted.

He finally turned back to her, covering his face with his hands as their eyes met. He peaked through his fingers at her, shaking his head.

"Why did you...?" he trailed off, letting his hands fall back to his lap.

"I just thought what you said was cute. your mom seems a little weird though." She said softly, playing with her fingers. "I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable..."

Tamaki could feel his chest tighten up at her dejected expression. He hesitantly scooted closer to her, letting their sides touch. He was too nervous to go any further than that, though.

"I never said I didn't like it... I guess..." he mumbled under his breath, but she still heard him.

She grinned and draped her arms over his neck, snuggling into his side. "Ta-kun you're so cute!"

"I'm not cute."

Y/N was about to protest until she saw his gaze fixed on the tv screen. She decided to just let him enjoy his first Disney movie.

After a while, she couldn't help but speak up.

"Do you think Mike Wazowski winks or blinks? Honest opinion!"

"I'm gonna go home."

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