April 21, 1999

459 17 31

I'm left-handed, and it's not very easy to find reasonably priced, high-quality left-handed guitars. But out of all the guitars in the whole world, the Fender Mustang is my favorite. I've only owned two of them. - KC


The sound of quick heavy footsteps and creaking wood tells me that Kurt is finally emerging from his studio in the attic. I had arrived a little over two hours ago to surprise my boyfriend with an early homecoming, but when I walked across the threshold and heard the sound of his guitar ricocheting off the the house walls, I didn't have the heart to interrupt him.

Since the day Nirvana disbanded, the love and adoration that Kurt had for music seemingly left with it. When we moved into this house in '94, his surviving electric guitars were immediately hidden away in the back of our shared closet. Out of sight and mind while the lone acoustic guitar he used at the Unplugged session collected dust on a stand in the living room.

He won't admit it, but it's obvious that he misses his past life. From time to time I'll catch him humming an unfamiliar tune or beating out a short tempo on our kitchen table at dinner, but before anything can be said of it he'll stop and I have avoided confronting him about it.

A part of me is grateful for his dismissal of music because it has assisted in keeping him clean these last five years. He is no longer surrounded by copious amounts of drugs and alcohol like he had while touring, and it has given him the opportunity to take control of his addictive personality. 

However, another part of me feels that I'm being selfish. Kurt was obviously put on this world to be an artist, even if it brings him to an untimely end.

My thoughts are interrupted by the man himself, throwing his arms around my waist from behind and pulling my back flush against his strong chest. Chills run up my spine at the feeling of his cold calloused fingers on my exposed stomach and I can't help but instinctively lean back into his embrace. "Why didn't you come get me?"

"I didn't want to interrupt." Our voices are low, as if we are trying to keep wandering ears from listening in on our private reunion. "It's not often that I get to come home to you playing guitar."

Kurt's lips press against my carotid artery, his smirk telling me that he could feel how fast my heart rate increased from his affection. "We can have a jam sessions over the phone Rosemary," His left hand slides down to the button of my ripped travel jeans, easily popping it undone. "It's not everyday that we're alone in this house together."

"Kurt I-" My eyes slide closed and legs unconsciously spread apart as his hand slips past the waistband of my panties, but this moment of ecstasy is short lived as the doorbell interrupts us. "Fuck..."

The blond and I jump apart almost immediately, me knocking my hip into the handle of one of the drawers while Kurt's lower back rams into the curved edge of our kitchen island. "Damn it!" My eyes widen and I forget about the deep bruise that I'd probably just created to help stabilize him. "Of all the times my ex-wife has to interrupt us, it has to be now?"

"Wait, Courtney's here?" Kurt winces and reaches for his lower back while nodding, mumbling under his breath something about dropping Frances off.

The doorbell sounds again followed by the she-witch shouting, "Stop fucking and answer the damn door you two!"

"I've got it," I roll my eyes and quickly pull a bag of peas from our freezer for Kurt to use as a makeshift ice pack. "If I'm not back in five minutes, send the swat team."

He chuckles and I can see the corner of his mouth curve up. "Trust me, they're on speed dial."

This comment eases some of my internal worry about the man interacting with his ex-wife when I'm not around. After Ms. Love's actions in '94, the little amount of trust I had in her completely disappeared. She tried to put her husband, my now boyfriend, into a drug induced state long enough to convince him to stay with her rather than moving on with life. She was cheating on him with Billy Corgan anyways, so her actions never made sense to me.

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