I Think I Can Find You Somewhere (Jaden Smith Fanfic)

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Me and my crew were playing around in the "new" studio and taking pictures. It was now about 2:30 and everybody was leaving the studio.

"Bye Tay" my dancers said as the all walked away to there cars.

"Bye guys, be safe" i said waving to them.

"Hey Daya, drop me off at starbucks, i have to meet someone there at 3" i said giving her the come on sign.

"Oh and who is this someone" she said as she unlocked the car.

"Thats for me to know and you not too" i said as i hopped in the car.

"Let me guess............hmmm Jaden" she said as she pulled out the studio onto the highway.

"Believe what you want to believe" i said looking at my phone telling Jaden i should be there in about 10 minutes.

"Come on Tay, you act like it was so hard to guess, i mean you like him and he likes you so you guys aren't slick" she said as she studied on the road.

Jaden texted me back saying an okay and that he's ready to see me cause its been a long day.

"Awww" i meant to say to myself but i said outloud.

"See and i know your texting Jaden rather then listening to me but its whatever" she said then pouted. "I'm always ignored when it comes to boys" she added.

"Ugh shutup no your not, your over exaggerating, and besides we just met each other so we can't like one another, the most we can do is have a tiny little crush of the size of a pea" i said.

We pulled up to Starbucks and i got out.

"Alright my love, you have fun with Jaden,  and text me when you get home i might come over" she said once i got out.

"Alright booba, i will, and ok thats fine with me, you have fun shooting your music video" i said blowing her a kiss.

She drove off and i walked into Starbucks and looked for Jaden and i didnt see him. Hmmm its only 3:02, Oh my god did he stood me up?

"Hey Taylorrr" i heard someone say behind me. I turned around and there he was a beautiful as ever. He was wearing a misfit tee once again but this one showed off his chest more, zebra jeans, and vans it looked like.

"Oh hey Jay" i said as i smiled and hugged him.

"You look pretty today" he said eying me up and down. Oh God. "How are you doing" he smirked.

"I'm good and you" i said smiling.

"I'm very good actually, just got done hanging with the crew" he said smiling down at me.

"Me too, it was real fun" i said fixing my hair since it was in my face.

We saw people staring at us and some even tried sneaking pictures but suprisingly people didint basically try attacking us with posters and pictures.

"Hi welcome to Starbucks how may i help you" The cashier said smiling from ear to ear.

"Umm can i get a slice of chocalte cake and a passion tea lemondade, please"

"Ok is that all" she asked me.

"Yes it i-, and also can i get a strawberry and cream frappucino and a slice of lemon cake" Jaden added as well.

"Ok that will be 7.45" she said as she waited for the money.

Jaden pulled out his MSFTS wallet and took out his money. Dang this boy really rides for his crew.

"Jaden i can't let you do that i mean i did order also" i said looking at the money.

"Its alright i got it Tay" he said smiling down at me.

"Are you sure" i said.

"Positive" he said handing the girl the money.

"You know i don't know if anybody's ever told  you guys this but you two would make a beautiful couple" the cashier said handing Jaden back his money.

I just put my head down and blushed..HARD might i add. 

"Thanks" Jaden said and scotted us down to where we get our food.

Jaden pulled my head up with his finger and gave me a sincere smile.

"You know Jay, you didnt have to say anything" i said still blushing.

"Yeah but that would've been known as rude, and i try to be nice to everybody just how i was raised" 

he said tugging at his hair. Umm yeah i'm gonna need you to stop doing that unless you want me 

jump on you. K, k!

It was just pure silence right now...You know how when your with that special someone and you feel like you just want to say everything perfectly around them so you don't miss your chance...yeah i just totally blew that up right now!

"Taylor and Jaden, your order is ready" one of the workers said.

"I got it" Jaden said an got up to grab all of our things. "You ready" he said pushing the door to go to the patio outside.

"Sure" i said getting up. We found a table sat down, I said grace and then the silence fell among us again.

"So i'm having this little concert, i guess you could call it, on Tuesday at around 7 and i wanted to know if you wanted to come" He said after about 5 minutes of silence.

"Umm sure, i think i'm free, so i might be able to make it" i said chewing on a piece of cake.

"This means alot to me and it would be the world if you came actually" he said smiling.

"I'll try my very best to make it" i said smiling also.


"MOM I'M HOME" I yelled from the door step. I called Daya to come pick me up and we went to go shopping. She said she couldn't spend the night because of this interview she "forgot" in the morning. Smh.

"Hey sweetie, how was your day out" she said walking down the stairs.

"Very good, and your's" i said pulling my hair in a ponytail.

"Good, but I have to tell you something alright, and don't get mad" she said as her hands lifted.

"Ok go on" i said taking small steps towards her.

"Your dad has to host this event, and it was late notice and he wants us to be there" she said in one breath.

"So does this mean i have to go get ready and all this stuff" i said with a hand on my hip.

"Yes" she said plainly.

I didn't even argue. Instead i walked up the steps, into my room, locked the door, took a shower and picked out an outfit.

(Outfit: http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=63253534)

"Alright i'm ready" i said walking down the stairs after about an hour and a half. Aye beauty takes time.

"Beautiful as always" my mom said as she picked up her purse she was wearing this:


"You too ma'am, sexy in red ooh la la" i said as i swayed my hips.

"Come on your dad called and is waiting, it starts at like 11" she looking at her Casio watch.

"Alright let's go" I said as i headed out the door closing it behind me.

We Out!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2012 ⏰

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