Tuesday, March 31st, 2020

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The time is 9:27 pm.

Hello once again! ✨ I have returned today as promised :)

Today was was pretty ok, I woke up at 9am and made waffles for me and my sibling.

It was very cloudy and gray so for most of the day, we were cleaning our room and bathroom while listening to a playlist of Animal Crossing music :))) For some reason it was really energizing and easy to clean when it was playing. I really miss playing Animal Crossing, I used to play New Leaf all the time and it made me so happy but sadly both of our 3ds's that we've had since like 2014 are broken in one way or another. And neither of us have a switch so we can't play the new one but hopefully we'll get to have 1 or both of our ds's fixed so we can play again :')



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After cleaning for a while we were taking a break and my sibling had the absolute GENIUS idea to mix clay and slime. -_- and whaddya know, after less than a minute his hands were completely covered in the CLIME (ew) and he couldn't get it off because it was stuck... And he couldn't touch ANYTHING, So we had to go to the kitchen and i had to turn on the water and give him soap and a sponge to get it off, it took like 15 minutes just to remove it. So yeah, that happened 😂 and my grandma was NOT HAPPY about it...

We made a (burnt) pizza for lunch (im so unhealthy lolol) and while eating some, I looked out the window and saw a stray cat had climbed into our porch fence and was walking around in there :) then it walked over to OUR CACTUS and put its front legs on the pot, it was sniffing the plant and touching it with its' paw and for a sec I thought it was gonna take a bite lol (it only has spikes at the top) but then it saw us watching it and ran away. Unfortunately I didn't have my phone or camera in the room so I couldn't take a picture :( but it was adorable.

I didn't go outside today since it was so dreary and looked like it would rain, I also saw lightning, but luckily the forecast predicts that tomorrow will be sunny ☀ so we'll just have to wait and see ✨

So later we ate dinner (salad and spaghetti) and now I'm just writing this. Maybe tomorrow will be more eventful if It's sunny since we can go outside and explore/take pictures. Nothing much happened today but at least I did something productive for once ✨

I hope in the summer/late spring the pool at my apartments will open since my state is so hot/ it's good exercise, also It's just really fun lol. But I don't know how this quarantine thing will be by then, but hopefully it will be clear by summer :(

I'm hopefully going to be asleep within a couple hours, I've been trying to go to sleep at a normal time this past week, and so far I've been successful. Ever since I "left" school (november 2017) my sleep schedule has just been insane, I end up staying on my phone way later than I mean to and just end up falling asleep when I naturally HAVE to. Like I mean, just staying awake until I either physically can't, or decide It's not worth it to do anything while this tired except sleep (and then I do). A few times I've tried staying up all day after not sleeping at night so I'd be tired enough to just fall asleep that night. But I always either couldn't stay awake any longer and fell asleep at like 1pm, or successfully made it through the day and ending up sleeping for 16 hours because I was so tired lol. But this past week I think I've finally slept for more nights in a row than in the past 2 and a half years so I'm proud of myself ✨ I love waking up and seeing my room painted in the morning sunlight ✨☀✨ and I'm going to keep forcing myself to go to sleep before midnight and set my alarm for 8-8:30 am (much to the dismay of my sibling) :)

So, on the topic of sleep, I've decided to make today's discussion about none other than DREAMS:
Conversation piece:

Every night (or day :') when I go to sleep, I always look forward to experiencing another dream. I mean, I always have, but maybe not quite as much as lately. Maybe a little bit too much. The universe of dreams is a great escape. Every time you dream, your soul momentarily disappears from this screwed-up world and for a few hours every night, it's just you inside the space of your mind. Sometimes I wish I could live in my dreams. Ideally a lucid dream, but I haven't been able to experience one yet without waking up immediately. My dreams always feel fuzzy and faint yet most of the time I remember what happens after I wake up. I tend to remember a dream longer if I discuss it with someone. And a lot of times they feel like nostalgia, yet I can always remember what happened in a dream and what was an actual memory.

Sometimes I have bad dreams, but I wouldn't call them nightmares. I don't feel terrified and nothing horrifying happens, but when I do have an unpleasant dream I just feel uneasy and anxious throughout.

Some of my most memorable dreams:

When I was 5 or 6 I dreamed that me and a bunch of other kids went through a portal to a room with nothing but easter eggs everywhere, and we all had baskets and were picking them up. We didn't even look inside them, we were just having fun :) and there were rainbows everywhere. Then I suddenly woke up, looked around, and realized it was a dream. I walked into my living room, sat on the couch and looked up at the ceiling, crying because that was where I wanted to be forever and I couldn't. Honestly pretty depressing, but little did I know I would be back there many times, not in the same place, with the same people, but back there in my mind, in a different reality ✨

When I was 10 I dreamed that I was 3 years old, (..???) and randomly decided in the middle of the night that I wanted to drive, so I somehow figured out how to start the car and soon enough I was zooming down the interstate at midnight in nothing but pitch darkness. For some reason in my brain I knew how to turn on the radio at 3 yrs, but not the headlights lololol. But anyway, I went on driving for a while (god knows how) but I woke up before I crashed the car or anything like that.

Finally, when I was 12 I dreamed that I went to the water park with 2 friends of mine. It was the exact layout of the water park I went to a few years ago, but instead of being colorful with kid-friendly plastic material, it was like ancient ruins made of stone for some reason...? But WAIT, it gets even more interesting. For some reason out of nowhere in the dream, a game show host from a show that my grandma watched every day (I forgot who), randomly appeared and rounded up a bunch of people in the park including me and my friends to play the game RIGHT THERE in the park. He was giving us instructions and we were following them and having fun, I didn't realize it was a dream. Then suddenly I woke up, looked up at the tv and that was the show she was watching! So somehow in my state of deep sleep, my brain recognized the voice of the host, music/sound effects of the show, and integrated it into my dream, with an accurate appearance of them?!?! To this day, that still blows my mind....

So anyway, I hope anyone who reads this has a great dream and peaceful sleeps tonight 💚
Wow, I didn't mean for that to be so long, but oh well lol

I'll conclude this post with the

"When we are asleep in this world, we are awake in another"

~salvador dali

So anyways, I hope anyone who sees this enjoyed today's most, I'll be back again tomorrow evening. Goodnight :) 🌕

:) ✨instagram: jt_2136

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