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I can only gaze at the East
where the Sun rises,
I can only wait for it
to gift me my wish : Sunlight.
I can only do so much,
on cloudy days,
and the darkest nights.

You think of me to be optimistic,
you think of me to be
the consort of light.
You think of me to be the face of joy,
the flower that houses sunny baths,
sunny days,
and sunny fields.

But who am I when my Father turns away to the west to rest,
who am I when there is nothing to turn to,
but the Eve of the East,
when everyone is asleep and forgets.

Who am I when there is no light to turn to,
who am I when I can do nothing but bow down before my greatest fear,
who am I when all is a shadow and there is nothing,
who am I to you when the Sun turns away?

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