─ 02 :: ❝POLICE❞

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"welcome to the Sunny Cafe! what can i help you with today?" 

it has been three months ever since the encounter, and (y/n) had already graduated from high school. the graduation was tearful, (and wonderful) but she despises the fact that she now needs to find her own money to fund her college fees.

never once did she forget about his name, cyrus.

back to the present. the brunette is now working in Sunny Cafe, a small coffee shop just at the end of the district line. she flashes her best fake smile towards a customer, and writes their order down. it wasn't the best job, but the pay is promising. three weeks had passed unconditionally ever since she first got hired as a waitress.

"one caramel-glazed americano coming right up!" she uses her best cheery voice and heads over to the busy counter, where her coworkers are busy dealing with the restless buzz.

"i can take that." her workmate ying whispers, nodding off to the mysterious newcomer. "you take him. i'll bring the order for you later." (y/n) didn't have time to thank the girl as she found herself walking towards the man.

"welcome to the Sunny Cafe!" she repeats the boring lines over again, as she does with every other person that comes into the shop, "what can i help you wit-"

except that this time was different. she caught a glimpse of his eyes, which brought her back to a sense of deja vu. i think i've seen him before, her inner thought swirled with questions, but she couldn't place a finger on it, and decides to push the thought away.

her sentence was cut off abruptly as the boy spoke, "do you know someone called (y/n) (l/n)?"

"huh? i'm afraid not sir," she gulps, but managed to control her outer expression. deep down, she felt guilty for lying- but it was a small sacrifice to the red flags she caught. "i'm a fairly new employee here, and staff information is secret. may i know why you're finding her?"

the man stayed silent, eyes piercing into her very being, "you're lying."

"i can take you to the manager, if you'd like." she stood her ground, gathering courage to face him, despite knowing very well that the man knew she was lying. 

"fine." he finally caves in, and (y/n) nods.

"please wait here while i ask him." she smiles quizzically at him, before turning around and disappearing into the kitchen, feeling two holes burning onto her neck. in the back, she meets yaya, who had just come in from the back door.

"yaya!" (y/n) exclaims with a relieved sigh, "do you think you can take my shift over?"

"huh? why?" her friends' eyes widened, "you never got off the hook. are you okay? are you sick, maybe? but yes, i have an hour to spare for your shift."

"i-i have no time to explain, sorry!" she slings her bag over her shoulder and kicks the shoes off, "please tell the manager." then she opens the door with a bang, bolting into the alleyway.

"(y/n)!" yaya calls for her, visibly worried, "you forgot your cellphone!"

and she was gone from her sight.

───── ❝ SOLIPSISM❞ ─────

the said girl could feel someone following her. her steps slowed down, and the girl kept on looking over her shoulder to be sure that it was just her imagination. "this is so creepy," she tells herself, barely an audible whisper. she passes a number of stray cats, all peering suspiciously at the harmless figure passing by.

(y/n) begins to hum a song, in hopes of calming her racing heart down. 

it didn't work just yet, but she continued to walk down the alley. "i should've took the other way instead," she laughs bitterly to herself, "i'm sorry if i die, auntie. i know i promised to protect myself, but i don't think i can." she whispers the end part.

the worst case scenario was that she could get killed. the vivid memory of a man appearing in front of her and asking for her was too real; what exactly did she do wrong?

endless thoughts were in and out of her head. the possibilities were little; she had never committed a legal crime, and she had just graduated. was it someone she knew?

(y/n) stops dead in her tracks suddenly. she looks up to face the same man from the cafe she just met. a scream left her lips, and she turned backwards, ready to run. the fear pushed her adrenaline harshly, leaving her shocked and stunned in the spot.

two other guys appeared, blocking her from the entrance.

"i-i.." she panics, "what the hell? what do you guys want from me? l-leave me alone, i swear, or i-i'll kick you where the light doesn't s-shine!" her hand reaches into her bag- to her surprise, her cellphone wasn't there, and she had left her defense kit at home.

"you were quick to realize that we're here to capture you." the man took a step forward, enclosing the distance between them. "(y/n) (l/n), an accomplice of the mafia. you are under arrest for suspected crime and for aiding a member of the mafia."

he unfolded something out of his pocket, a wallet that shows his authority as the lead crime investigator. (y/n) blinks several times. mafia? me? what? nothing made sense.

"what? mafia? that's so old school. in this 21st century?" a sudden burst of energy and rage came from within the girl, "are you kidding me right now? are you police dense or what? you really think that i'll get involved with your made-up tales?" she remarks angrily.

the man was taken aback, a surprise etched across his face, "i think you're mistaken here, young lady. but we clearly saw you interacting with one of the members about three months back. does anyone with golden eyes ring a bell to you?"

"i.." she was left speechless with horror. "i helped.. a murderer?" 

tryna avoid the usual plot of her being want to beat up and then the members saving her lollll idk if this is good thoooo i hope yall enjoyed it so far! i honestly have no idea if it's short or long!

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tryna avoid the usual plot of her being want to beat up and then the members saving her lollll idk if this is good thoooo i hope yall enjoyed it so far! i honestly have no idea if it's short or long!

is this too fast-paced hsnsggg oop

also stan the police yall they're good people :')

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