What keeps him sane

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It was over...Finally it was over, the battle with Ghidorah was done, Godzilla had defend his title as the King of the monsters, and made it known to the other Titans, however there was one Titan that Godzilla had his mind on...Rodan, the fire demon, the bird born from the volcano...The filthy traitor, when Godzilla laid his eyes on him he wanted to hurt him, torture him, ripped his wings off and drown him in the water, crush his small head with his foot, forced his jaws open and fire his atomic breath straight down his throat...But he didn't, because he knew Mothra wouldn't want that, despite what he did, they were all good friends before they slumbered, and besides if Rodan didn't give in to Ghidorah, then what would have happened to him? So he forgave him it took while, but he forgave him, and as time moved on he waited, waited for his Queen to return, waiting to hear the songs of her beautiful roar, waiting to see the beautiful pattern on her wings, waiting to see her eyes that blue as ocean, out of all the living things in the world, Mothra was the only reason he hadn't finally snapped, became the real threat to the world, she was the only creature that managed to tamed him, keep him sane...Let him know what love felt like.

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