The hatchling

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It was 10 days since Mothra laid the mystery egg, Godzilla and Mothra have kept a very close eye on it to see what would happen, all it done so far was glow, mostly because Godzilla has to gently blow his atomic breath on the egg to keep it from freezing, Godzilla couldn't help but think what exactly was inside the egg, would it be a new generation to protect humanity and the earth? Or would it a mutated abomination that will need to be killed immediately? Just as Godzilla was coming up with more questions, a cracking noise was heard, Mothra and Godzilla quickly turned their heads to the egg, it was hatching! The egg wiggle like something was struggling to get out of it, the cracks from where the glow poked out of it suddenly glowed brighter, the cracks got bigger and bigger and spreaded more around the egg, a brown snout poked a hole through the egg, then a brown small claw, then a small brown creature wiggled out of it's egg, it looked like a baby Godzilla, expect it had the eyes of Mothra and even a second pair of smaller insect like arms, the small creature looked around as if it was confuse about where it was, then it looked up at Mothra and Godzilla who where both staring down at it, the creature then smiled and let out a squeak like roar, Mothra leaned down at the creature and rubbed her head on it, it purred rubbed back, Godzilla leaned down and it sniffed it, the creature licked his snout, Godzilla licked the creature back, it rolled on it's back and wiggled, it let out another squeak and raised it's arms out, Godzilla then nuzzled his snout on the belly of the little beast, it squeak with joy and wiggle under the snout, Mothra giggled to herself, They had only been around the hybrid of their being for only a minute, but they already knew that this would be a start of a great generation... And a beautiful family.

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