Enjoying the company

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Godzilla was sleeping on monster island, he was laying on his side, the sun was shining and the clouds looked lovely, but then they were blown away by wind of Mothra flapping her wings, she came to visit Godzilla, however Godzilla didn't notice Mothra's presents so he was still asleep, Mothra looked down at her sleeping King, she couldn't help but happy to Godzilla look this peaceful, she landed on the ground next to Godzilla, she snuggled up to him, despite him being a hard scaly creature he actually felt quite soft, Mothra enjoyed feeling her King, so warm, so soft, she could fall asleep right on him, but then suddenly she heard a grunt and a huff, it was Godzilla who began to toss and turn, Mothra backed up in fear that she had accidentally woke Godzilla, he may have been a heavy sleeper, but was VERY dangerous to wake him up, Mothra tried to get away but Godzilla's arm slammed right next to her! Mothra was shooked, but then suddenly everything went calm and quiet, then Godzilla slowly pulled Mothra close to him, and curled up and hugged her as if she was a teddy bear, Mothra calmed down and rested her face on Godzilla's chest and close her eyes, going to Dreamland with her King.

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