The return of the Queen

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Godzilla swam in the water under the night sky, he liked going for midnight swims, the cool water felt nice and the stars looked beautiful and moon was full and glowed in the star filled sky, it peaceful and quiet, minutes past by, and he kept swimming, til he heard something, it sounded like...Chirping? Not the chirping of bird, but the chirping of bug, not just a bug, could it be? Godzilla raised his head out of the water and looked around, looking for the source of the sound, then he heard it again, this time it was closer, he turned his head to the direction of the noise...Then he saw it, a familiar glow flew towards him with the sounds of chirping, it was her, it was his Queen, he roared at her with joy, Mothra finally reached to her King, they both looked at each other's eyes, finally they were together again, the King was happy to see his Queen again, and the Queen was happy to see her King, and with peace being in this Earth again, no monsters or humans causing trouble, they could enjoy each other's company.

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