4 ❥ Cursed anchor

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The knock at the door annoys me senseless. I've had enough misery for a day. It's the day after the pack run, and while being in my wolf skin felt amazing, it was over all too soon.

I hate our stupid Alpha and all his rules. We have to ask to shift, get his permission. His answer is almost always no. He's a real life control freak, and if you're caught, you get punished. Once a month we get set free. Everyone can shift for the pack run. It's my favorite day.

I pull the heavy door open to reveal Klepto. She squints at me with nervous, gray eyes. I've always been jealous of her flawless skin, and black hair. And her shape. Full breasts, round hips. Next to her, I look like a tall 12 year old boy. It's not fair.

"What are you doing here?" I demand. I'm not exactly happy to see her. Whenever Mother looks at Klepto, a deep fire of hatred burns her from the inside out. She has to have someone to take it out on, and that happens to be me.

I'm her favorite punching bag.

I haven't seen Mother around this morning, so I'm hoping she doesn't catch Klepto in the house. When my little sister moved out, it was the best day of my life.

Less beatings, less hearing Mother bitch and moan. It's better for everyone. Even Klepto, as she's not treated well here either. If anything, she's the lucky one. She got to escape.

"I'm coming to see Aunt Emilia off." She explains in a drawn out way, like I'm a child she has to berate. I clench my jaw. I roll my eyes, playing the evil sister role she sees me as. Little does she know what's really going on. She doesn't know how risky it is for me to let her come in here.

"Yeah, whatever." I say, letting Klepto pass me, she comes into the house in a rush. I narrow my eyes at her and her swaying hips.

I wonder how true the story was about Ezra hurting Nathan Green actually is. I know Klepto was there, but there aren't a lot of details on what happened. All I know is that Ezra practically dragged her away after it was all over. Nathan's pack of followers aren't very quick to spill.

"I'm sure you heard about what happened to Nathan?" My sister nods her head absently, and I continue, "You wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would you?"

I don't try to keep the accusatory tone out of my voice. She should know that I'm not an idiot. I figure things out, and I'm not about to let this slip through my fingers. This could be detrimental to me. If Mother finds out... I pray she'll be merciful.

"Nope." She replies, shrugging her shoulders like she doesn't have a single care in the world. She's changed since the last time I saw her. Klepto's gained confidence, self assurance. Good for her. It looks good.

I hum in thought for a moment, knowing that I won't stop here. I need to do more digging. I have to know that Nathan got what he deserved. I need to talk to Ezra himself. The more information I have, the better off I am. It's my only chance at dodging another attack from my own Mom.

"Um, what happened?" The question catches me off guard, and I'm surprised by the genuine concern in Klepto's voice. I follow her eyes.

I look down, spotting the dark blue bruise staining my skin, and I pause for a short moment. I forgot that it was even there. I should have been more careful, now she's asking questions.

Thinking quickly, I cover the dark spot before Klepto can look at it too long.

"Nothing." I say, turning to trudge up the stairs without another word so I can go get dressed. I'm on a mission, and I don't plan on failing it.

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