10 ❥ Pure acceptance

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I don't know what to think. Sparks fly, my fur is warm, and my body craves the touch of this complete stranger. This is my mate. I knew it as soon as I saw him, as soon as his musky scent touched my nose. A lycan, I have a lycan for a mate after all this time.

He holds me tight against his very naked body. I close my eyes and try to think.

I want him, more than anything. But, he called me angel. He has no idea. How disappointed will he be when he realizes I'm anything but that? How can anyone love me after all I've done?

"Alpha Veiler thought you might want some clothes." Someone says, followed by a disgruntled growl. The male that said the words drops a pile of clothes next to us, and then they scuttle away.

My mate reaches for them, holding them out as an offering to me. I stare at the wad of fabric with hesitation. I know what he wants, but I don't know if I have the strength to go through with it.

"Shift. I want to meet you, hear your voice." He explains softly, and I just blink at him. I'm not surprised, but I'm extremely nervous.

I don't know what he'll think of me. Will I be too fat for him? Am I wearing enough makeup? Will those baggy clothes be flattering on my assets?

I find those destructive thoughts my mother placed in my brain sneaking up on me again. I thought they were gone. I thought a mate would calm my fears of not being good enough. His sudden appearance has only heightened my insecurities.

When I don't do as he asks, I expect him to become angry and strike out. I'm so used to being hurt when I don't follow orders. Instead, I'm shocked when he takes me into his arms again. His large hand runs down my head and back, calmly petting me. He leans back, and I get a good look at his face.

He's an albino. His skin is as pale as moonlight, and all of his hair is white. His eyebrows, his eyelashes, the messy locks on his head, all of it glistens like snow. He's so breathtakingly handsome. Will he be disappointed when he sees me?

"Please. I want you. I need you." He pleads with me desperately, petting my head so gently, smoothing my fur. The bite in my neck is still weeping blood, but I hardly notice it. All I feel is love and affection from my mate.

What have I got to lose? I have to shift eventually, I might as well do it now and get it over with.

I nod, and a small, thankful smile grows on his face. He hands me some clothes and watches me expectantly. I look at him, waiting for him to turn around. He doesn't.

"Give your mate some privacy." I didn't realize how close Alpha Veiler was. The tall lycan stands on the sidelines. We're outside of the bunker, out of view between a grove of trees. It only makes sense that he would hang around. Everyone is acting like my mate is dangerous, and he is, he just slaughtered countless rogues. I don't know how to feel about that.

I have an inkling there's more to know about this lycan mate of mine. He seems so mysterious.

"I'll be back in a minute. Turn your back, let her change." My mate growls again. I don't know if it's because he's a pervert, or because he doesn't like being told what to do. "Do it, Ryk. Be a gentleman at least."

With that, he walks away, and now I know the name of this mystery man. Ryk. My mate's name is Ryk.

"Alright. I will turn my back, but be quick, I do not want you out of my sight for long." He explains gently, and I see fear trickling into his light blue eyes.

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