11 ❥ Redeemed

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I squeeze my lips shut, not quite knowing what to say when Ryk fights Alpha Veiler in a verbal battle. I just stay quiet. Veiler wants to send me home with my family after all that's happened to us. My father and sister are dead, and he says I should be at home with my family where I belong. I agree with that.

Ryk disagrees. He wants us to have a private place of our own. I also agree with that, a lot. I'm afraid to be out of his sight. He might disappear.

He holds me tightly in his arms as he walks. I'm high off the ground, and I clutch at his neck with everything I have. I'm not used to being toted around, but something tells me I'm going to have to get used to this because this won't be the last time it happens. With the way my mate is acting, I know I'll be dealing with his protective nature.

"She belongs with me. I'm her mate."

Veiler sighs, holding back fury as he tries to catch up with my ruthless mate.

"And they are her family."

Ryk growls, stopping in his tracks, refusing to walk alongside the stoic Alpha any longer. His strong arms clench around me, and I don't mind. Feeling him hold me reminds me that I'm alive.

"Why don't we ask her. It should be Tressandra's choice where she stays. I will only respect her decision. We can't tell her where to go and what to do." Ryk insists, and I lean against his chest. If I didn't think I could love him any more, then I was definitely wrong.

Wait a minute, love? Did I really just think that? I am falling for Ryk, but I don't quite know if I'm in love yet. How can I know if I'm in love? I'm so confused. I should just go with it, and figure everything out later.

I quickly decide where I want to go.

"I want to come with you." I tell him, only looking at his eyes. I know that being with my family would be what's best for them, but I don't want to go back to that house. Being under that roof, I sometimes forget to breathe, and I don't want to be there. I wake up every morning with a pit in my stomach.

Do they really need me to grieve? How useful am I really? Guilt swamps me. Am I a horrible person because I want to be alone after going through a trauma?

I'm shaking by now, still stuck in Ryk's arms as he's taking me away. I'm dimly aware of our housing being discussed, but I can't stop my mind from bugging me.

Even after everything that has happened, I'm terrified that Mother will ruin all of this. What if she escapes? What if she finds out about Ryk? What if she tells him how horrible I am and he leaves me?

Every thought rattles around in my skull like a nightmare. I don't know how to make it stop. I'm startled when a hand drops onto my head and the rocking of my mate's body stops.

"Angel, what's troubling you?" His voice murmurs in my ear, and I lean into him as the trembling settles down. "You are my heart, and I can't be at peace unless you are happy."

Of course his words are so sweet, and it melts me from the inside out. My guilt grows when I see him worry. I forget that mates are so in tune with how the other is feeling. It's the Moon Goddess's way of making sure that things run smoothly. I'm so scared to communicate how I'm feeling.

"Everything is happening so fast." I murmur, and I try to close my eyes, but every time my eyes are closed I see Martha, I see my Dad, I see Mother waiting to further me again.

It's a nightmare. I'm living in hell, and Ryk is a beam of light shining onto me.

"Yes, and I'm sorry, my little mate, but we will get you home and you will rest. Trust me to care for you." Ryk soothes me, and he's walking again, but now he's holding me a little higher up.

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