The Final Decision

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Jimin and Junkook and his manager sat down in front of several people including his next competitor, Min Yoogi, also know as SUGA.

Junkook started at Suga for a second before he began to speak about what had happened to him in his last match.

" Jungkook, how bad were your injuries from your last fight and how soon will you be fully recovered? "

Jungkook looked at Jimin to help him answer the first part of the question.

" Dr. Park will be answering the first part of that question but to answer the second, I will be able to make a full recovery in 2 weeks."

" Junkook came in to the hospital completely unconscious and severely wounded from the fight. He had a total of 125 stitches in his legs and arms. His body had some deep bruising and alot of blood was lost but we were able to get him fixed up in approximately 2 hours in the OR. "

" Jungkook, so with you not completely healed and needing 2 weeks from now to fully heal and get back to fighting, will that mean you would have to cancel the fight with Suga?"

" No, that only means I will have to postpone that fight for 2 weeks, just until I am physically capable of moving on my own and getting back to training."

"Suga, are you going to let Jungkook have the 2 weeks he needs to heal so he can be ready for the fight against you?"

" Of course I will. Only so that I can train harder and be faster and beat him up even more in our fight."

" How do you respond to that Jungkook?!"

" Well honestly, it wont matter how much training he does or how fast he can throw punches at me because once I heal, I will beat him to a pulp, no doubt about it!!"

The media goes nuts and Suga starts to stare Jungkook and Jimin down and wants to fight now but as Suga stands up, him manager calms him down and tells him that the meeting/interview is over and that they need to go asap.

Jungkook, Jimin and Jungkook's manager also get up to leave and walkes out the door just to be barged with flashing lights and the roar of the media after him.

They all rush back to the car and driver off in a hurry so none of the fans or media can follow them.

As they drive away Jimin and Jungkook start to laugh.

" Is that what you have to deal with before very fight to do?"

" Unfortunately, yes. That is the lifestyle of a super star. But I need to ask you something Dr. Park."

Jimin looks at him with curiosity.

"What is it?"

" I need to be healed quickly so I can get ready for my fight with Suga. Is there any medication I can take to help the healing process go faster?"

Jimin sighs. He looks at Jungkook and sees that he needs the secret cure for the ultimate healing for his next fight, but he has never tested it in a human before and is worried about the effects it might have on him.

Jimin thinks hard as Jungkook pleads with him and begins to begg.

" Alright, Yes we I have a secret healing medication that will heal you completely in 24 hours, but there might be some sever side effects of this medication and I will need to monitor you to make sure nothing bad happens."

Jungkook nodded as they arrive back at his house.

Jungkook and Jimin go inside and go up to his bedroom in the elevator.

They get in Jungkook's room and Jimin turns around, locks the door, and whispers to Jungkook.

" You cannot tell anyone about this secret medicine ok. Noone knows about it and it has not been tested on a human before so you can never tell anyone about this. Do you understand?!"

" Yes, I understand!"

" Good, I have some here in my bag that I brought over with me last night from where you broke your stitches, just incase. When I give this to you, you will fall in a deep sleep for about 8 hours and then wake up and have the most incredible energy in the world, but like I said before, I don't know what the side effects will be."

" Will you stay with me in my room again Jimin. So you can watch me and carefully examine me to make sure nothing serious happens?"

" Yes, of course I will. How about we get you ready for bed ok?"

" Sure thing doctor."

Jimin helps Jungkook get undressed and then puts him in some red silk PJ's and last him in bed and makes sure he is good and comfortable.

" Ok, I will give you the syrum and then I will get ready for bed and will be right beside you ok?"


" Are you ready?"

Jungkook takes a deep breath as he nods yes to Jimin.

Jungkook opens his mouth as Dr. Park gives him the medicine.

Jungkook feels fine at first then suddenly feels very very sleepy and passes out in a deep sleep.


Hey everyone!! It has been a really long time since I have updated my book and been on this app. But I am back amd ready to finish this story and write more and more stories that I hope you guys will love and enjoy! Please as always, leave your comments and let me know what you think! Love all my fans.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2020 ⏰

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