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Anthony's POV

As soon as we stepped off that bus to head into the venue, it seemed as if the atmosphere shifted. Everyone became playful and as one would say, "crackhead-y," because of the different backgrounds and personalities of the creators.

We were all standing around awkwardly once we ventured to one of the ballrooms, as we all were getting to know one another before the fans arrived. It was weird seeing how empty it was inside as the stage and backdrops were being put together. As I glanced around the room, I saw Mr. Party-Pooper himself sitting in a chair, far away from everyone else. My stupid self decided to go and talk to him in order to cheer him up.

"Jaden," I called to get his attention.

He turned towards me in confusion but soon looked back to his mesmerizing phone. Though once I actually sat down next to him he turned slightly to look me up and down before going back to twiddle with his phone.

"I'm sorry I've been acting like a dick." He said shortly, almost embarrassed, but I wasn't sure.

I hummed shortly as I stared at his side profile before saying, "Just talk to me when you feel upset instead of taking it out on me."

"I know, and once again, I'm sorry for acting like an immature little kid, but I was embarrassed and-"

"Anthony!" Someone interrupted.

Jaden and I both turned to see who had yelled my name so loudly and to my surprise it had been Avani. My eyebrows furrowed before I gave a small smile and waved at her. I hadn't realized we completely parted from each other after coming in but I guess I'm just out of it today.

"Hey," I smiled confusedly, "When did we even split up?"

"Good question! But come join me and some other tiktokers, we're making a video!" She exclaimed.

"Alright, I'll be there in a second."

She stared with a weird look in her eye before smiling softly and nodding as she turned and walked back to a small group of people.

"She seems to really like you."

I turned towards Jaden in surprise before shaking my head, "no way, we just met not too long ago."

He shrugged before replying, "People don't need a long time to fall for you."

My eyebrows furrowed as I stared at his side profile once again while he continued to play with his phone. In my head I thought, 'Jaden is confusing me more and more every second we talk.' He swallowed slowly, allowing my eyes to catch the movement before he sharply turned to make eye contact with me.

"You don't want to keep them waiting, hm?" He teased.

I playfully rolled my eyes as I stood up from beside him and made my way over to Avani and another group of creators. As I watched them all talk animatedly, I realized I only knew of a few of them like Kevin, Chase, and Noen. This made me think of a great plan I'd have to talk to Avani about.

"So, guys, what video are we making?" I asked.

They all turned to me and brought me in and showed movements very quickly before pressing the timer. I stayed in the back practically grasping onto Avani in confusion but laughing the whole time.

At around 5 p.m. we had to get ready for the arrival of fans in the building and went to line up in different areas. I was near Chase Hudson, Payton, and Jaden. We managed to keep ourselves entertained during our wait for the fans to arrive.

A light scream which turned into loud chatter and a mixture of screams broke me away from the random conversation we were having. I made eye contact with the other boys and we automatically knew we needed to get up because the meet and greet was starting.

It was all a blur for the next couple hours meeting fans as well as taking pictures. But one fan said something that stuck with me the whole bus ride back to the hotel before we got ready to leave for the next city. She had mentioned her name was Julie before quickly whispering in my ear, "Choose what's right for you, not for anybody else."

I still don't entirely know what she was even referring to, but she seemed like i'd understand it at some point. After the meet and greet was over, I went to find Avani, who happened to be talking to a couple of fans who hadn't left yet. 

"Avani!" I whisper-yelled, "I need to talk to you about something cool."

She gave me a weird face before looking back at the fans and telling them 'I love you' as they departed. "What on earth is so important?"

"I have an awesome idea for when we get back to the hotel, and you know everyone, so you can get the word out."


"We should have a little pool party to get to know each other," I said excitedly.

"That's actually not a bad idea, let's say 11 pm we all meet up in the pool?" She added.

"Sounds like a plan." I smiled before we both began to walk to the buses that were taking us back to the hotel. The bus ride back consisted of Jaden and I joking around and loud screams of other tiktokers. 

I told my roommates of the pool party and a couple other people on my floor as we headed back up to our rooms. We got ready in about five minutes before waiting until it was five before 11. Surprisingly, a good amount of the whole crew on the tour were already chilling in the pool. 

Jaden, Griffin, Yousif, and I put our towels down on the same chair before standing at the edge of the pool. Yousif and Griffin jumped in right away and splashed the surrounding people as soon as they made contact with the water. 

I stood there with a smile before dipping my toe in and automatically shivering because, damn, this pool was freezing. 

"Don't tell me you're scared of a little water," Jaden smiled.

"Bitch, it's not my fault I get cold easily." 

Jaden laughed before turning to me and grabbing my hand, "How about we go on three?"

"Now you know if you try that I will not jump with you, right?" 

He rolled his eyes before leading me over to the jacuzzi, where Noen and Avani already were. They noticed us walking over almost instantly and Avani's eyes glanced down towards our hands which were still connected, until Jaden let go because he saw her eyes shift too. 

"Hey, guys. Mind if we join?" I asked.

They shook their heads 'no' and we climbed in, I sat in-between Avani and Jaden, and instantly moaned when my body fully submerged in the heat, and my head laying upon the concrete. I felt jaden shift slightly beside me for a couple seconds before I placed my hand on his knee.

"Can you stop that, I'm trying to relax in the Hot Tub." 

He looked at me blankly for a second before tilting his head and moving towards my ear. When he was about a good two centimeters away he whispered, "then don't moan like that, hm?"

My mouth dropped open instantly as I jumped back and looked at him. I mouthed, 'you're a dick,' before going back to the relaxed position I had before. I heard a huff of annoyance come from in the hot tub, but I didn't know who. 


A.N. I apologize if this is trash because I don't know what Im doing lmao

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