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Jaden's Pov

Waking up at six a.m. isn't as easy as it seems, especially after going to bed at the devil's hour last night. Anthony also kept clutching onto me during the night no matter how much I moved away from him so I got distracted from sleep. 

He's been a heavy subject in my mind for a hot second and I couldn't say why. But the more I observe him the more I see how pretty he is and I mean that in the friendliest way, which I'm doing right now. Anthony is currently a few centimeters in front of my face, close enough for me to see the light freckles upon his face. 

Before I could comprehend what I was doing, my hand reached out and brushed his hair back before coming to rest lightly against his cheek. He made a soft noise as my thumb brushed across his cheekbone and inadvertently making my breath hitch. My eyes scanned his face slowly focusing on his lips longer than I'd like to admit before coming back up to his eyes again, except he was staring back with half-lidded eyes and furrowed eyebrows. 

"What are you doing," Anthony said softly.

"Just observing."

Anthony hummed before sitting upright in the bed, making my hand fall back to my side. I saw him turn his head and squint, most likely trying to make out if Griffin and Yousef were in the bed next to us in the dark. 

Before I knew it Anthony was climbing over me to jump onto Griffin and Yousef's bed in order to wake them up. 

"C'mon, we have to get up!" Anthony yelled.

"Anthony if you don't get the hell off of me," Griffin's voice warned lowly. 

I heard a soft chuckle and more scuffling before seeing Anthony make his way to the bathroom. 


It was now eight in the morning and we were getting ready to load back into the bus for another long trip to another state for another meet and greet. I currently sat on a bench but I saw a few others standing inside as it was slightly chilly. 

No one annoying came outside to bother me thankfully because I can only handle few people at a time. I felt a weight on my arm which knocked me out of my thoughts as I turned to look at the culprit. It was Anthony, thankfully, and he was looking at me weirdly before he pointed behind him and I noticed the bus sitting there. 

"The bus is here."

"I can see that."

He rolled his eyes before pulling me up to my feet and then grabbing his suitcase as he turned away. I tugged on my sweatshirt before grabbing my belongings and following behind him. 

Once we put our bags away and stepped on the bus I walked towards the back and grabbed anthony's arm to follow me. We sat quietly on our phones as we waited for everyone to slowly sit on the bus. What I didn't expect though was for Anthony to grab my arm and ask if he could wear my sweatshirt. 

"Pardon?" I questioned.

"It's cold, Jaden, can I please wear your hoodie? I left mine in my suitcase," He frowned. 

"What if I told you I was cold?" I responded.

"Well that would suck," he smiled, "but I already know you barely get cold."

I pursed my lips and sighed before giving in and taking off my hoodie before giving it to him. He grinned and mouthed 'thank you' before pulling it over his head. I'd never tell him this but he looks really good in my hoodie, but I bet he already knows that. 

Just as I went to complain some more, Avani showed up out of nowhere right beside Anthony. I looked up as I attempted to calm myself from saying stupid shit. 

"Anthony what're you doing back here?" She asked.

"Um, just sitting with Jaden because we came on here at the same time," He replied awkwardly. 

"Oh, well, do you want to sit with me? I just thought we could talk..." she trailed off. 

I made a face at her words though since she seemed to act as if I wasn't sitting right here and originally talking to him before she interrupted. 

"Uh," He started before turning to look at me though I averted my eyes and shrugged my shoulders. "Yeah, I'll come sit with you." 

Avani's face brightened immediately and she reached down to grab his hand and tug him towards the front of the bus. He looked back and me real quick and mouthed a quick sorry before plopping down in the seat next to her. 

I huffed and let my head drop forwards as I moped quietly to myself. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2020 ⏰

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