Season 3 - Chapter 1

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[Level Reset - Meeting Fawn  Part 19]

"In the last arc Isabella found out her brother was still alive under his mother care also founding out see was a Madar commander but a double agent she had a plan to stop Madar's Queen which it turns out is her sister, she tells her plan to the King and he set's off to meet the Queen and beg her not to attack, while he's gone boom the castle is hit with a fire attack one of the Madar commander came to retrive Mei succeeding, Isabella feeling a little down as she was useless at the soul forest finding out that one of the Madar commander has lost his memories and is now passed out for some unknown reason, Jeez that was a lot to say anyway let's get on with this new arc."

The two Healers had rushed Scarlet to the Medical Building trying to heal her. One of the Healers said, "I don't think she'll make it." The other Healers yelled, "Shut up we just have to try harder!" The nurse with doubts started yelling as well, "You're such an idiot most healers left the line of duty in death or tired of seeing death at most it's only us we have to call in Fawn!" The Healer who started the yelling quitted her voice, "Fine request that little boy to get Red Rose so we can find Fawn." "Yo, little boy the only way we are going to save your big sister is if you go back and tell Red Rose that we need Fawn." Ethan was shocked and thought. 'That's really the only way, what if this Fawn doesn't come on time or she isn't home my sister will die.' Ethan nodded he ran to the place he had watch the sunsets before he burst thru the door and looked around to see Kerei on the floor she was rubbing her head and looked at him with a smile but it faded as she saw worry on his face she asked,

"What's wrong?" Ethan blurted out. "We need Fawn, my sister has been terrible hurt and the Healers said it was was the only way to save her!" Kerei got up with shock on her face thinking. 'We were just getting along, how will this affect the future?' Kerei grabbed a map from the floor and asked Ron. "Can you send us to these coordinates with your shadows?" While Ron was turning into hider he said. "Of course." Luke got out of the waving to little boy and girls saying "They are so sweet, anyway what's going on?" Hider answered. "No time to tell you just come near me." Luke was walking to him saying. "How about you phrase that differently next time." Hider sighed and used his ability. The gang finally reached Kerei knocked on the door a girl with green hair appeared as the door swung open she bowed and welcomed her. "Welcome home Kerei." She went up and looked at Luke and started blushing because of his intense stare, Luke walked up to her asking, "I'm sorry it took me so long to come back but, how are you doing?"

The girl kept blushing and looking off to the side she walked up slowly answering, "I've been good, I apply the same rule to you that I apply on Kerei, I will wait forever for you." Luke started to blush and laugh. "Well I'm truly luck then." "Anyway this is the first time you brought people over, oh your Hider, she talks about you all the time, Goddess it's like she's obsessed." Kerei put her hands waving around embarrassed saying. "That's not the reason, I mean I do like him and want to protect him but, my Mom is at the Medical Building and I need your abilities!" Fawn bowed to her answering her, "Of course personally I don't want to but I will." Luke looked at Kerei asking, "Isabella is in the Medical Building, why didn't you tell me?" Kerei looked at him with an intense look saying, "You said it like I didn't care but you're the one who acts like you don't care about her, how could she ever have a child with you, Hider we're leaving!" Kerei took Hiders' hand and he used his shadow ability taking both of the girls leaving Luke alone to think about her words.

"So you plan to ask her to marry you when she wakes up!" Luther nodded, "Yes she means the world to me I would give anything to be with her by her side." Kerei smiled then said, "Then please make her happy I know you can make her happy, plus you are all patch up as well." A Healer came out the surgery and looked at them sitting in the corner and saw the King, she sighed walking towards him but, then shook her head. "Thank you for bringing Fawn but even with help your friend will have to stay in bed for two weeks and I'm not even sure still be able to use her element anymore." Luther nodded his head saying, "Thank you for at least saving her, can I see her?" The woman nodded and lead the way Kerei decided to follow to see her mother who was looking up at the celling of the building she looked like she wasn't there. Ethan ran past the nurse to go in the room and saw his sister eyes he started shaking the started repeating his words, "Dad, Dad, Dad." Kerei looked at him asking, "What's happening, please breathe." "My sister only looks like that after an experiment, what did you do to her!?"

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