Report to the Captain

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After a full day of napping from her early morning casework, Nina walked into the precinct Saturday morning with a little more confidence in herself. She wasn't even worried when the Captain called her in for a full report as to what happened.

"Alright," he began, "I finally had a chance to review the details you've written so far for your report. I was surprised to see you recovered a bottle of jay from one of your perps. Wesen?"

"Yeah, a skalengeck actually," Nina replied.

The Captain nodded at her thoughtfully. "So this was a wesen related case. Hmm, glad to see you're embracing your Grimm instincts."

"Actually, I wasn't aware this was a wesen related case either until I had some help....from a blutbad."

The Captain looked at her with his eyes slightly widened. "A blutbad? You managed to break a blutbad into telling you where Cindy was?"

"No, no. The blutbad...actually helped me find and recover Cindy. She's a college student at the university."

Nina thought the Captain would disapprove of her having a student as her backup and held her breath for a disapproving speech. Instead,  a smile appeared on his face and he let out a small laugh.

"Looks like things never change when it comes to a Grimm's life," the Captain laughed.

Nina shrugged. "In the end, it came down to being a Grimm and a Detective to solve the case. And now Cindy's reunited with her family."

"And this blutbad -"

"Evah," Nina corrected "Her name is Evah Woods."

"This Evah really think you can trust her?" he asked.

Nina nodded confidently. "I already do. If I didn't have her help, this case would've been a dead end from the start." The Captain nodded and motioned towards the door. 

"I won't need you to include her in the report, but well done Detective. The board will be pleased to hear of your first solved case. Good day."

Nina walked out of his office with a smile on her face. Finally, she felt like she belonged in the precinct.

As she exited out of his office, Officer Bolander walked on the floor with a doughnut in hand. He saw Nina standing outside the Captain's office and a sneer appeared on his face.

"Warming up your smile to suck up to the Captain, kid? Good luck because it's not going to work." He continued walking and took an undeserved bite from his doughnut.

Nina glared at him and almost let him continue going, but she realized not saying anything was only encouraging him to spit on her name and title. And after her first success, she wasn't going to let him of all people shake her confidence.

She walked up beside him, matching his step. He looked over at her annoyed.

"Actually Officer Bolander, I already met with the Captain. And he said I actually did a great job on my first case."

He scoffed in her face making doughnut crumbs fall out of his mouth. "Well don't get used to it. Woopty doo you found a kid, big deal. I've arrested killers. I'd like to see you try and face what I have."

"Well thanks to me being the Detective, I'll definitely have that chance," Nina declared "And that kid was a little girl named Cindy who was kidnapped, and thanks to me, her family is with her in the hospital right now. Because I solved the case, because you know what? I'm going to be a great detective."

They exchanged hard stares between each other. Officer Bolander was the first to speak with gritted teeth. "Anything else?"

"Yeah," she said "You may be the wolf, but I'm the wolf in sheep's clothing. And that's why you'll always underestimate me, and I won't give a damn."

Officer Bolander looked at her speechless. Nina didn't wait for him to form a response because she had done what she needed to. She walked back to her desk in satisfaction.

As she began to write her report, she looked out the window looking over a part of Tang Valley. Nina finally felt like things were turning around for her for the better. Even if it meant being a Grimm at some points.

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