5/ Sucky Dinners & Road Trips

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I stared at his hand, then at his smirk, then at Chris seemed exasperated.

Hesitantly I placed my hand in Connor's and he gave me a firm shake before slowly leaning in and brushing his lips across my knuckles, all the while maintaining eye contact.

I panicked and looked over at Chris because:

1. I didn't know how to react in this situation. I could have snatched my hand away but I had zero guts to do so and besides I was panicking my pants off. When that happens, my body tends to shut down.

2. Well there is no reason 2. Pay close attention to number 1 please because that's pretty much it.

Chris met my eyes and most probably saw the panic in them because the next second he was coughing loudly and shooting Connor a pointed look.

"Will you stop making her uncomfortable, C?" Chris asked and Connor dropped my hand before taking hold of Chris' and quickly pecking it too.

Chris scrunched his nose in disgust and snatched his hand back before wiping it on his shirt as Connor burst out laughing.

His laughter was melodic and I fought the urge to swoon because well, a good looking guy had just kissed my hand as a means of greeting and I was still reeling in the after-effect.

I reckoned Chris and Connor hated each other. You know that sibling rivalry. Besides, when Connor made that girlfriend comment, I thought he sensed some animosity between the two.

Emphasis on thought.

Because the next moment Chris allowed a small smile to play on his lips as Connor wiped his tears caused by raucous laughter away.

"Come on, that was funny. You have to admit it." Connor teased and Chris shook his head at his brother before getting up and giving him a manly hug. "What are you doing here in London?"

"I was here for a contract signing. Dad's orders. I'll be going back tomorrow evening. I was hoping to visit you tomorrow before leaving. But well."

Connor took a seat with us and met my confused slash shocked stare and chuckled before nudging Chris to peek at me.

Chris looked amused at my expression and raised his brows. "He may be adopted, but he is like my real brother. We don't hate each other."

I was about to question the conversation that happened when Connor first showed his face but Connor already beat me to it.

"I know what you're going to ask and let me just tell you that that is normal between us. It's how we signify our love to each other." Chris scoffed at his words. "Chris here was mad at me the last time we saw each other, which was probably around four months ago."

I looked at Chris who then continued his side of the story.
"Well, mad would be putting it lightly. I was furious with him. The girl I was going out with at the time was trying to get Connor to sleep with her. I was a way to get to him. And this douchebag when learnt about her intentions, slept with her and the next day humiliated her on his twitter. There was this whole scandal about it on the internet and I was mad at him for doing that to her, a girl I thought was innocent and sweet."

I looked at the brothers flabbergasted and with wide eyes.

"Before you mention it, I know sleeping with her was a dick move but hey I got laid and Chris was saved from dating an evil witch like her. It was a win-win." Connor defended and Chris smirked.

"Then how did you guys make up?" I asked.

"On the phone. The very next day when the twitter scandal happened, I had to come back here to London. I was there in LA for half a year on sort of a vacation. When I landed, Connor called me and instantly apologized before explaining the full story." Chris informed me and I nodded.

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