Chapter 1: Peter Parker

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Queens, New York....
It was another day of Peter Parker's school at Midtown High. The 15-year-old boy was still asleep in his room until his Uncle Ben came in the room to wake the sleeping Peter up.

UNCLE BEN: Rise and shine, Peter! It's time for school!

Peter groaned while waking up.

PETER: (*yawn)... Come on, uncle Ben! It's too early just give me 5 more minutes to sleep!"

Uncle Ben started to play a fun wrestle at Peter, who was laughing so hard.

UNCLE BEN: Oh! you're not foolin' me, kiddo! I can tell that you're awake plus, you don't wanna be late for school, do you?

PETER: (*laugh).... Gosh, Uncle Ben! You're even worse than a room full of alarm clocks!

UNCLE BEN: Come on, Petey! I'm not gonna stop until you get up on your feet!

PETER: Okay okay. I'm up, Uncle Ben. I'm gonna change my clothes first.

UNCLE BEN: Okay, me and Aunt May will be waiting for you downstairs.

Uncle Ben and Peter went downstairs to join aunt May, who was cooking breakfast for Peter.

PETER: Good morning, Aunt May. So, what's for breakfast?

AUNT MAY: Good morning, sweetheart. I cooked you your favorite breakfast, wheat cakes!

PETER: Aww thanks, Aunt May. You're the best!

UNCLE BEN: Don't fatten him too much, dear. I can hardly out wrestle him, now!

They both laughed from what uncle Ben as Peter started to eat his breakfast. After eating, it was now time for Peter to go to school.

PETER: Okay, I'm now on my way to school. See you guys later and I love you!

AUNT MAY: Love you too, sweetheart!

UNCLE BEN: Study well, kiddo!

When Peter exited the house, he started to walk at the street's sidewalk, where he encountered their neighbor and aunt May's close friend, Anna Watson, taking out the trash.

PETER: Hi, Mrs. Watson!

MRS. WATSON: Oh hello, Peter! How's your dear Aunt May and Uncle Ben doing?

PETER: They're doing great, actually. I just got out from the house and on my way to school.

MRS. WATSON: Well that sounds great, dear. Now, you'd be on your way before you miss your classes.

PETER: Okay. Bye, Mrs. Watson!

As Mrs. Watson went back inside to her house, Peter ran as fast as he can to use the subway to get to school in time.

Midtown High....
Peter arrived at school just time. He always performed well in class and would get perfect scores in every test. He was even the teacher's favorite student.

After the class dismissed, everyone headed out from their class and excitedly went home. Peter saw his classmate, Sally Avril, waiting for someone to pick her up. Peter took a deep breath and walked towards to her nervously and asked her about something.

PETER: Hey, Sally. So I was wondering since tomorrow's our school field trip to Oscorp. If you don't have a field trip partner yet, is it okay if you could be my  partner for tomorrow?

PETER: Are you freaking kidding me!? Eww! No way! Why would I ever want to hang out with a loser like you! Face it Parker, you're just not my type.

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