Chapter 3: The Field Trip

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Author's note:
- Hope you guys like this chapter and PLEASE leave a comment on what you guys think about this story.

(Spider-Man: No Way Home🕷🕷🕷)

'Be careful what you wish for, Parker' 🎃
'Hello, Peter'🐙

The Next Day....
A school bus of Midtown High arrived outside Oscorp Industries. Everyone exited the bus and the teacher instructed his students to fall in line properly before they enter the building.

"Oscorp Industries! Can't believe we're finally going to see the advance technology inside your dad's company, Harry!" Peter exclaimed as he brought his camera with him.

"Yeah. My dad brings me here sometimes. Too bad he's in a business trip right now." Harry explained.

"Out of the way, geeks!" Flash shouted as he cuts in front of Peter and Harry while Flash reunites with his friends. "Can't believe we still have to go on this stupid school trip!"

Once they entered the building, Dr. Smythe gave each students their visitor badges including Peter, who was so excited like he was about to explode.

"Now before we start our tour, let me introduce to you all myself: I am Dr. Alistaire Smythe but you will call me Dr. Smythe for the rest of the tour. I should also be warning you all about keeping your hands off at any Oscorp equipments, understood?" Dr. Smythe strictly warned the students.

"Yes, sir!" The students answered a little scared.

"Good. Now let's start the tour, shall we?" Dr. Smythe said.

Everyone got a little scared about Dr. Smythe after showing his grumpy attitude but everyone slide that feeling off their heads and enjoyed the field trip.

"Welcome to Oscorp. Born from the mind of our founder Norman Osborn, Oscorp Industries is the colossal skyscraper that stands as headquarters for the industry. It is unique in design and resembles Oscorp's latest technology. Inside holds many fancy rooms and facilities; its work areas, where loyal employees and even interns can concentrate on their research, its robotics lab department, cross-species facilities, homerooms, the BioLab and security areas. The future lies within." The Oscorp announcer on the speaker said as it always welcome visitors.

"Oh, man! This is going to be awesome! I gotta take a picture of this tour!" Peter pulled out his camera but Dr. Smythe stopped him from doing.

"No taking pictures or videos while in the tour, young man!" Dr. Smythe said loudly.

"Oops! Sorry about that, Mr. Smythe." Peter said while laughing nervously.

"Uh oh, someone's gonna get in trouble." Flash and his friends laughed, except Randy and Liz who felt bad for Peter. For the rest of the tour, Peter tried his best to stay away from Flash and his friends.

Dr. Smythe led the students to Oscorp's laboratories where all scientist gets the chance to invent amazing technologies. Peter and the rest of his classmates were amazed at the cool high-tech inventions that was surrounding them.

A presentation was also held for the class. The presenter was Dr. Octavius and was presenting the class Oscorp's radioactive rays.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2021 ⏰

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