Chapter 2: Oscorp Industries

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Oscorp Industries....
Most of the Oscorp employees were already sent home for the night while two scientists stayed a little late. Dr. Mary Anders enters the lab where he encounters his fiancé, Dr. Otto Octavius with his four mechanical arms attached on his back, still working on his machine.

MARY: Still working late?

OCTAVIUS: Just a few minor adjustments, Mary. This won't take long. I've got to get this machine ready tomorrow before the students at Midtown High had their school trip here at Oscorp.

MARY: (*sigh) You know you said that like 10 minutes ago.

OCTAVIUS: I'm sorry for keeping you waiting, darling, but I promise I'm almost done. Don't worry.

MARY: You better be.

Mary said as she smirked which made Otto chuckled.

After finishing his work, Otto detached his mechanical arms and joins Mary to head home. Otto noticed that something was bothering Mary.

OCTAVIUS: Something bothering you, darling?

MARY: I'm just worried about your mother. She thinks that I'm not good enough for you.

OCTAVIUS: Mary, don't say something like that. Of course she likes you. Just give her some time and you two will get along eventually. Besides, it's better that you meet my mother than my father. He always comes home drunk and abuses me and my mother when I was a child."

As the engaged couple headed out to their lab, they encountered two scientists arguing at each other. Otto and Mary hid behind a nearby wall to find out what's going on.

TOOMES: I blame you for this, Smythe!

SMYTHE: What on earth are you talking about, Toomes?

TOOMES: You know what I'm talking about! You told me to bring my Magnetic Air Transport System to Oscorp and arranged the meeting with Norman Osborn!

MARY: (*whisper) What's going on with Smythe and Toomes?"

OCTAVIUS: (*whisper) I don't know.

SMYTHE: Adrian, now why would you blame me for that? I only I did that because I was trying to help you.

TOOMES: TRYING TO HELP ME!? Osborn studied my work and rejected them after four months later, he announced Oscorp's Flight Tech to the public!

SMYTHE: Really? Well tough luck. I'm sure you'll get it next time.

Smythe smiled while patting Toomes' shoulder but Toomes instantly took Smythe's hand off his shoulder.

TOOMES: You knew?! You knew that Osborn has no intention on putting my name at that Flight Tech. All he cares for is himself!

Smythe laughed for a couple of seconds then his face expression turned into a serious one.

SMYTHE: Listen you old buzzard, you've been working here at Oscorp Industries without one success to your name. Do you really think that everyone will know that it was you who gave the idea of the flight tech?

Smythe snapped at Toomes while two security guards entered the room.

TOOMES: What is this?

SMYTHE: Gentlemen, please show Mr. Toomes the way out.

The security guards grabbed Toomes by the arms forcing him to leave the building.

SMYTHE: It was a pleasure having you here, Adrian, but I'm afraid we no longer need your services.

TOOMES: No! You can't do this! I invited Flight Tech! You'll see, everyone will know my name!

Smythe heads out to the room while Otto and Mary came out from their hiding spot after witnessing the whole thing.

MARY: I can't believe Smythe and Mr. Osborn would do that to Adrian!

OCTAVIUS: That's why I never liked Smythe. He always thought that he's better than everyone.

To be continued....


Real Name:- SPENCER SMYTHE Occupation:- OSCORP SCIENTISTBase of Operation:- OSCORP INDUSTRIESCharacter Bio:- Spencer Smythe is a cruel and loyal scientist to Norman Osborn and a scientist of researching robotics

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Real Name:
Base of Operation:
Character Bio:
- Spencer Smythe is a cruel and loyal scientist to Norman Osborn and a scientist of researching robotics. He also known as a father to his son, Alister Smythe.
First Appearance:

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