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The room was dark having no proper light, which was bit weird as these people own a lot of fucking money.

The professor said I'll meet my mentor here. But all I could saw was a dusty curtains, broken chairs, rats and 5 girls standing near the front, surrounding someone..A man

The girls were actually trying to get the person's attention whose back was directed towards me. He was talking to a girl when a blonde hair girl looked at me, causing the man to turn...










That's not Berlin. 



It's Rio.

I was standing still on my spot thinking that I left all behind for Berlin and guess what my tutor is Rio.

"Hello, what's your name?" He shouted still surrounding by the girls.

"umm..Hi.. m..my name is Rosa..Rosa Martin" I replied.

As Rio was about to say something, I heard someone behind me whispering my name.

"Rosa Martin" The person said

I turned and found the man I liked in this group, the man who is the least problematic, who is gentle, elegant, handsome, has a personality.

you guessed it right....Berlin

I was staring at me when he said,

"Hola, Rosa conoce a tu mentora"     How could someone looks so handsome while speaking ..

I was in a trance when he coughed to gain my attention. "oh..umm..hello..I am sorry.. I was not paying attention" I tried to cover up my stare.

He grinned and start coming towards me. I started to get nervous, my hands were sweating when he stand right in front of me leaving a very little space between us. 

He bend down a little coming a bit more closer to my right ear and said,

"Rosa I want your attention" and back off with the same grin.

"I'm..I'm sorry sir, it won't happen again" I replied still looking the floor. suddenly the floor seems to be more interesting then before.

I think he sensed my nervousness he came near and gave me a hug.

He smells like roses, like an expensive wine, like vanilla, like jasmines..........like heavens

after a few seconds he backed off a little and hold my left hand's fingers. "Are you alright Cariño?"

and all I said was.












"you smell so good"

Author's note:

Hi everyone, I so sorry for not posting yesterday. I thought to write a long chapter today, but my  laptop is in different mood.

Anyway, I hope you like the story so far, however, any suggestion you have is still welcome.

If you like it then please do vote.

Take care.


Assistant Needed - Berlin (Money Heist) auWhere stories live. Discover now