House of Memories [BAKUKAMI]

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Don't play the song yet

Kaminari's POV

I was sitting on my bed, bare feet against the cold floor, scrolling through my phone in the dim room. I sighed and turned around to look at the closed blinds that let in little daylight, I shook my head and got up and went to the kitchen to make myself something to eat.

I opened the pantry and looked around for something I wouldn't have to cook. I don't really know how. I snatched a tin of baked beans from a shelf and put it on the cluttered kitchen bench. I dug through a cupboard looking for a clean bowl, but there wasn't really anything in there.

I groaned and righted myself, surveying my messy kitchen. I slapped my hands against my cheeks before starting to clean up. I stacked plates and bowls, cutlery in the top bowl, and gathered wine glasses and mugs together. I was busy washing dirty dishes and putting them in the dish rack when I came across a familiar whiskey glass. I don't drink whiskey. But I know who does. Or, used to know.

Just the sight of it set me off into tears. I broke down crying in front of my kitchen sink in an empty apartment. In my upset I threw the glass across the room and it shattered in the living room. I just sat on the floor crying until I couldn't anymore.

I gathered myself and put a pair of slippers on before approaching the mess I'd made armed with a plastic bag and a brush and shovel. I picked up the large pieces before sweeping up everything I could see, followed by attacking the whole room with a vacuum cleaner. Once done a took a bottle of spray cleaner and cleaned up the whiskey residue on the floor from the bottom of the glass.

I put everything away and sank down on the couch, no longer hungry or in the mood to do dishes.

I sighed and grabbed the remote, turning the TV on. I flicked through channels with an unimpressed look on my face before I came across a live concert on TV. I froze. It was Panic! At The Disco. My old band. I was tempted to turn it off, wanting to cry again at the familiar faces of my old classmates but I just couldn't.

A painfully familiar face appeared on screen and I started tearing up.

"Hello everyone and welcome to our concert for Death of a Bachelor!"

He shouted to the crowd. They screamed in response.

"Thank you all for coming tonight! Let's get this show on the road, this is House of Memories!"

I sat still to listen. This song must be recent, I wasn't there when this was written.

Play the song now

The crowd went ballistic, but I wasn't exactly paying attention. I was too busy wiping all the tears off my face. I caught a look at his face, he was looking straight at the camera, as if hoping I was watching and that I'd heard that. I sniffled and nodded, the smallest of smiles on my face.

All those references he made during the song were easy for me to pick up.

"Take my picture now, shake it till you see it"
I own a Polaroid camera. I used to take it everywhere with me. My favourite was selfies with him. He has a beautiful smile when he chooses to show it.

"If you're a lover you should know, the lonely moments just get lonelier, the longer you're in love."
When I met him in high school he was this big muscular loner emo and I found it so sexy. After we got together, he didn't change much, but the longer we were together the clingier he got the point that we moved in together after graduation.

"electric souls"
Before I left the band I played the electric guitar.

"Baby we built this house, on memories"
Before we spilt up, we bought this shabby old house and renovated it till it looked like new. I used to put up pictures on every wall possible to the point when he complained it looked crowed, but I said they were memories of us and he shut up.

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