The Necklace.

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" I can't believe you would do this Elena? Do you ever think about others, do YOU?"

Elena began to feel the tears build up within her, which is unusual considering she should be you used to it by now. Damon had yelled at her multiple times before this and would most definitely continue to do so, regardless of how Elena feels.

"I'm sorry okay? I just can't do this any more, it's exhausting being with you!"

Damon knew what was coming, and so did she.

"Well if you hate me so much, why don't you just end it with me? Instead of constantly making excuses for MY behaviour"

"Fine! if you insist. But just know this is the last can't come crawling back to me again and again."

Damon pushes her out and slams the door.

Elena breathed out a sigh of relief. Since she didn't have anywhere to go, she decided to talk a walk through the park, it was always her safe place after all, somewhere all her thoughts could be her own.

She looked down at her necklace Damon had given her and without hesitation dropped it to the ground. Elena was done being played.

Suddenly, a woman sitting on the bench in front of her picked up the necklace.

Elena couldn't help but check her out. She was Beautiful. Her sexy legs immediately caught Elena's eyes, she wasn't able to look away. Which works well because she didn't want to.

"Done staring at me? Let me know when you are so you can take this stupid necklace."

Elena was taken aback by her attitude, but also a little turned on. She didn't sound like Damon at all, but she could listen to her talk all day.

"I-don't worry, you can keep it"

"Why would i want this?" she says confused.

"Why wouldn't you? It's probably worth millions, and I'm done with it."

She then begins to look Elena up and down, just now noticing her petite figure and full lips.

"Please. No you're not, this has boy written all over it. I have enough problems, I have no idea where this necklace has been and who it belongs to, and I'm not looking for any trouble I will have to deal with."

''What problems?" Elena said out of curiosity, she seemed like the type of girl guys would want to be with crazy, and girls would want to be.

"Why would I tell you? You don't even know my name."

"What is your name?"


"Well Katherine, I would say it's nice to meet you, but in all seem like kind of a bitch."

Katherine laughs, she wasn't used to anyone being honest with her. Which even though she hated to admit it, turned her on.

"Oh I don't seem like one, I am one."

Elena smirks then sits next to her.

"So now will you tell me about your problems?"

Katherine wasn't sure what to do, she's cold as ice but suddenly around Elena she feels the need to open up? Well she wasn't going to have it. If there is one thing Katherine Pierce is known for, it's for having a good time, and getting what she wants. And right now, she wants Elena Gilbert.

"You know what, I have a better idea. Let's have the best night of our lives."

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