Where Will The Night Take Us?

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"Best night of our lives?"

Usually Elena would turn down such an opportunity, but this was with Katherine. The sexiest most mysterious girl she's ever met. She couldn't help but wonder what Damon would think of this, but then again he wasn't her problem anymore.

"Are you in or not? Not like I'm going to stand her forever lady."

Elena didn't want to think about how this would effect her tomorrow, or fifty years later for that matter. Right now all she knew that she was strangely attracted to this woman in front of her, and wanted to know every aspect about her. From her personality to her body.

"Yes." Elena said without hesitation.


Katherine grabs Elena's hand quickly and brings her to her car. She drives and catches Elena looking at her from time to time, but choses not to say anything because even though she will never admit it, she kind of liked how Elena's attention was on her and only her.

"So where are we going?"

"You'll see when we get there. That's kind of the whole point of me driving idiot."

Elena tries to hold back a smile.

"Whatever, I don't care anyways."

"Yeah right, you seem like the type who loves to control everything and everyone around you."

"What?" Elena gasps dramatically.

"How do you know what type I am you don't know anything about me. How do you even know your not my type? You don't and you aren't"

Elena was lying through her teeth. Everything about Katherine's appearance was perfect, and she knew it.

"Excuse me? I'm everyone's type.

This made Katherine angry. She was used to getting everything she wanted whenever she wanted whenever she wanted it. However, she did always love a challenge, and luckily for her, one was right next to her.

"You mean overly confident and condescending?" Elena says whilst rolling her eyes.

Katherine was extremely turned on by her attitude. The kind of feeling that makes you wanna rip of her clothes right here in the car and make her scream her name over and over. But there was no way in hell Katherine would show the type of effect Elena already has on her.

"Anyway, we're here. Get out."

Elena gets out the car and follows Katherine.

"We're at the beach? I must tell you that's disappointing."

Katherine rolls her eyes.

"No one really goes here or know it exists for that matter. Guess you can say its kind of my secret spot. So just shut up and be grateful you're here, got it?

"Okay." she says awkwardly.

"Good girl."

A few seconds pass by of them just staring at each other. Normally, Elena always knew what to say...but she somehow finds herself speechless.

"So you gonna stare at me or are you going to take your clothes off?"

"W-what?" Elena stutters uncontrollably.

"What are you confused about? You just going to not get into the water? Or would you rather watch me?"

Elena gulped. She was never the type to do stuff like this, but wasn't that the whole point? To have a great life so that when she's old and grey, she could look back on this night, and it'll be perfect. A Memory that can never be tarnished, no matter what happens tomorrow.

Elena takes off her top and tight plaid skirt then looks back at Katherine.

"Well, quit checking me out and do the same." she says smirking.

Katherine looks Elena up and down and bits her lip. She had noticed Elena was attractive, just not Goddess material.

Katherine quickly removes her dress then jumps into the water, pushing Elena in right after.

"Wow, you really couldn't wait could you Katherine. You want me that bad?"

Elena moves closer and closer to Katherine.

You could cut the sexual tension with a knife. They both wanted each other. Bad. They were alone, no reason they shouldn't.

"You really don't want me to give into your deepest desires?" Katherine whispered in Elena's ear seductively.

Elena felt herself grow wet and Katherine's words. It was almost as if her entire body was on fire. She couldn't take it anymore, she leaned in and kissed Katherine passionately.

"mmm Elena.." Katherine moaned.

Elena loved hearing Katherine say her name. She wanted her to repeat eat over and over, until her legs grew weak.  

This went on for what seemed like hours. Them touching each other, all other, exchanging saliva, and it didn't seem like it was going to stop until they both scream in pleasure by the end.

Katherine leaves trails of kisses all over Elena's body until she gets to Elena's wet pussy. She begins to rub Elena, gentle at first, creating a rhythm with her fingers. She then goes quicker and quicker, getting even more rough; which sends Elena even more closer to the edge.

"Ahh Katherine make me cum!"

Elena didn't care that they were in the middle of the ocean or that it was 3am and Damon was probably worried sick. Right now, her body belonged to Katherine and only Katherine, and she needed her release.

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