I cannot believe this story is over. I started this book nearly 4-5 months ago. I put so much effort and dedication into this book, and it actually paid off.
When I started writing this book, I literally thought it wasn't going to be successful at all, but yet it turned into one of my most successful stories yet.
So thank you to you guys. Thank you for being so patient with my shitty updates and always sticking around for the next chapter. Thank you for all your kind comments and of course the funny ones. You guys make my day a little brighter. If you ever want to chat, PLEASE message me. I know some people think talking to the author of a successful book is awkward, but it's really not. I'm your average girl, so don't be shy.
Thank you to my friends who encouraged me to write this story. You guys put up with my rants and complaints about the story, and you also dealt with my neediness to spoil the book (Don't worry I didn't though.)
If you liked Assistants and Dearest PLEASE go check out my other books. This is not goodbye my friends, I will be around for as long as I can be.
I'm literally going to cry if I continue writing this. It's crazy... I don't know what I'm saying anymore ina ll honesty. I'm going to miss this story a LOT, but hopefully you guys will all tarnfer to my new book The Story Of Us and we can continue this little group (Or at least that what I call you guys; My group.)
Once again, I thank each and every single one of my voters, commenters, followers, friends, and readers.
This has been, Assistants and Dearest.