Acht (8)

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Elena walked into the beautiful garden located in the northern part of Don's mansion. The plants blossomed beautiful flowers adding colour to the garden. Her hazel eyes scanned the garden hoping to find a swing. Finally her eyes landed on a double swing in the middle of the garden painted yellow. A smile prickled the corner of her lips as she sprinted towards the swing.

Elena sat on the swing and moved back and forth slowly enjoying the serenity of the garden. She closed her eyes and inhaled the sweet fragrance of the flowers.

"Hello Elena! Having fun?" Anton waved as he approached her. Confusion set in as she tried to recognize the unfamiliar face.

"I'm Anton, Don's best friend and second in command. I was on a business trip when he brought you home. Nice meeting your acquaintance", he shook Elena's hand and placed a kiss on her knuckles.

"Anton, Get away from her. Go and get your own woman" Don roared angrily as he walked into the garden.

"There he comes announcing his presence arrogantly" she thought

Don nudged Anton in the elbow playfully as he passed by him. He approached Elena and kissed her on the forehead.

"Meine Sonnenblume, my mother-in-law is waiting for you in the guest room on the third floor. It's the first door to your right. You can't miss it" He winked at her her.

"What! My mother is in. Thank you, Don. You are a genius," she screamed happily and ran out of the garden into the hallway.


Elena ran all the way to the third floor and turned the knob of the first door on her right. "Mother, I miss you so much" she ran into her opened arms and  embraced her.

"Ohhh darling! My baby girl, I missed you too. See how beautiful you look." She pulled away, looking at daughter  curiously from head to toe.

"I thought I would never see you again" Elena pouted as a single tear rolled down her cheek. Mrs. Brown wiped the tear away from her daughter's cheek with her index finger.

"No more tears, baby girl. God has answered my prayers. He has blessed you with a good man who has a good heart. He's taking good care of you. He took good care of me. He sent me to therapy and I'm now mentally sound. I'm no longer addicted to drinking alcohol. I'm so grateful to Don for his help. Take a good look at me, Sweetheart." My mother twirled around showing me how good she looked.

Elena was intrigued by the woman standing infront of her. She looked young and vibrant. Her classic looks could make someone mistake her for a twenty year old lady. The wrinkles that were once under her eyes has smoothed out leaving a flawless skin underneath her eyes.

Excitement bubbled up in her as she rushed into her mother's arms once again. "Thank you, Don for giving my mother a rebirth." She whispered mentally.

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