Fünfzehn (15)

684 19 4

Elena's P.O.V

Volcano Night Club was in a full swing when we stepped in. The loud thumping music made the place vibrant. I approached the bartender with my friends and my bodyguard.

"Welcome, female boss. I see you stepped out tonight with your friends"

"I think I saw you in Don's office this afternoon," He nodded and smiled at me.

"Ich heiBe Luca" he said curtly
(I am called Luca)

We ordered irish whiskey. The
bartender filled four glasses and gave it us one after the other. "Ladies, enjoy" he smiled. The four of us grabbed our glasses and took a shot.

The alcohol burned in my throat all the way down to my chest. I ignored the burning sensation and dared for more. "Bitches, this liquid is hot. Let's take another shot" A new wave of energy coursed through my veins as I swayed my hips to the loud music.

The bartender refilled our glasses and we gulped it down again. After that, Stephen led the way to the reserved VIP area. I sat on the sofa facing my friends and Stephen. They sat across me with Stephen stuck in between Kat and Carolina.

"Ain't gonna to be sitting here all night. I wanna go dance" Carolina jumped to her feet and headed for the dance floor.

"Stephen, I would like to visit the wash room. I would be back soon" I excused myself and winked at Kat who was busily stroking Stephen's arm.

The alcohol took its full effect on me as I stood up on my feet. I swayed in my heels as I walked into the ladies washroom. I made my way to the sink and splashed water on my face. The door shot open. My breath hitched in my throat when I looked up and saw a man in his late 40s.

I am daydreaming by this time of the night. What the hell is a man doing in the ladies washroom? Could it be the effects of the alcohol? Thoughts raced through my mind as I grabbed the edges of the sink firmly.

"Sir, you are at the wrong place. This is for ladies only" I furrowed my brows in confusion and stared at him wierdly as he kept walking towards me.

"Send my regards to that cunt, Don Zucker. Tell him La Bête won't rest until he avenges his daughter's death" he whispered into my ears. His bad breath reeked of alcohol. A bitter bile rose into my throat and I puked on his face. (The beast)

"How dare you, filthy whore" he roared angrily. A painful slap landed on my face twice, causing my forehead to hit the sink. Blood rolled down my forehead into my eyes. I screamed out in pain as he yanked on my hair and kneed me in the abdomen. I gasped for breath as another wave of pain passed through me.

I heard the sound of a gunshot. My Captor released me and fell onto the floor. An angry Stephen stood infront of me holding his gun. La Bête or whatever he called himself winced in pain as blood oozed out of his arm.

I felt dizzy. My head throbbed with pain. My weak legs couldn't hold me up any longer. Stephen caught me in his arms before I could land on the floor.

"Female boss, stay with me. Please open your eyes,". I tried to keep my eyes open but my eyelids were heavy. Darkness gradually engulfed me as Stephen's anxious voice kept fading in my ears.

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