sechsundzwanzig (26)

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Elena's P.O.V

Happiness overcame me as my hazel eyes scanned the beautiful scenery that greeted my presence. The exquisite mansion towered over me as I stepped out of the limousine. It's majestic exterior design was enough to keep a pauper spell bound for years.

My nose flared as I inhaled the smell of the freshly mowed lawns. Childhood memories of how I spent time running on the playing field with my dad chasing right behind me rang in my mind. "Sweet Pea, I'm right behind you" My dad said with a deep voice as I squealed happily. My little feet scurried aross the lawn as I sprinted faster. In less than a minute, two arms lifted me into the air as I giggled. "My sweet Pea" The words resonated in my mind as I stood in a trance staring lifelessly at the mowed lawns.

I jolted out of my reverie when I felt warm fingers intertwining with mine. I turned my head sideways and looked into the eyes of the man who who shattered my heart and fixed it. The man who was ready to stay beside me no matter what happened. The man who loved me unconditionally. The man who gave me a better life.

I heaved a sigh of relief as I smiled at him warmly. He returned my smile and kissed me on the forehead as we walked toward the entrance of our mansion. "Meine Sonnenblume"

A guard approached us as we walked into the hall. He leaned closer to Don and whispered into his ears.


"Thirty minutes ago "The guard replied.

"Go back to your duty post, Drogo. I will handle her"

Anger shot through me when I heard the word "her". Could it be one of his flings or what?? An ex girlfriend? I pulled my fingers out of his and faced him. "Who is she"

"Its not what you think. Relax okay. You will soon find out when we get to my office" he said honestly.

"It better not be what I'm thinking"

His ocean blue eyes sparkled in amusement as he stared at me. I also glared at him confidently refusing to lower my eyes in defeat. His tongue flicked out of his mouth and licked his bottom lip as my gaze fell on those lips. I knew his actions were intentional. He was trying to seduce me. Memories of those lips trailing soft kisses down my neck flashed in my mind.

I quickly recomposed my self and forced my eyes to look else where. It took everything in me to hold down my sexual edge and not rush into his arms and assault his lips with a passionate kiss until he runs out of breath.

"You need to trust me, Meine Sonnenblume. The lady in question is m-" a loud voice boomed across the hall interupting what Don was about to tell me.

"Welcome home, Queen of the Mafia" I twirled around and saw Anton walking into the hall.

"Did I miss anything?" He swatted at Don's arm playfully.

"Stop invading our privacy and get out" Don roared

"He's going no where. Come give mama a hug" I intercepted as Anton wrapped his arms around me gently.

"Like seriously? Are you guys doing this infront of me?" I casted a sidewards glance at him and smirked. Jealousy radiated off him as he ran his fingers through his hair in frustration and walked away.

"Someone is in love" Anton whispered

Lolx... what is happening? Elena & Don has got some nerve to do this infront of Don, and he just walked away. Things people do for love. Games couples play 😅

This book is still undergoing editing. As you read, you might come across some mistakes or grammatical errors..
I'm still working on it ok.

Lots of love from the zoedom.
Stay home, stay safe, don't panic

Cardi B says "Corona Virus! Shit is getting real! Getting real!".

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