Preference - The boys when fighting.

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The Silent Unmovable Force. He had never been in a fight before because people are too put off by his silence. He doesn't need words, because his unwavering stare is absolutely terrifying. You are never asked to stop, but you know that if it were to escalate, you would lose. He's the guy who stands up, walks in front of his aggressor and simply says 'no'. Not a question, but an order.


The Hit Me Harder Guy. He's the one that's constantly undermining your strength as he is punched in the face. There is no evading the fight, there is only winning. The 'come on and hit me' with a bloody lip stretched into a smirk. The smile on his lips not matching the coldness in his eyes. He will hit and be hit until someone stops the fight, and he rarely loses.


Good Guy. Stands up, chest puffed out and calmly says 'leave them alone'. Clenching his fists in rage, but trying to defuse the situation before it escalates. If he does end up fighting, it's clean. No hits to the back of the head, no cheap shots, he'll fight with his honor. Only satisfied if he can win fair and square.


The Joke Man. Cracks a joke that is totally out of place, and tries to ease the tension before it starts. He's the safe zone buffer. Never escalates a fight, but evades them by distraction.

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