Season 1: Part One...

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Today was a nice day...

The sun was shining, the birds were singing. There was a nice cool breeze as well.


Merkis muttered to herself as she was getting to work on her latest commission.
She laid back on the nice warm bench she was sat on. She much preferred working outside rather than in. It was much more interesting... Even if she couldn't see her laptop screen properly.

Merkis didn't do much else other than  that... Work, relax, sleep. It was all she could do really. However she did limit herself to working on weekdays and taking breaks on the weekends. But that depended on how much money she had earnt. She relied on that to survive, since she didn't have a family to provide for her anymore...

"Finally, done!" Merkis said as she flopped down her laptop's screen and put it back into its bag.

She took a moment to look at the beautiful scenery that Blossom Vale had to offer. Since it's late spring, the place was at its peak. Everywhere you look, there would be something interesting. Perhaps a pretty flower or a little bird... To Merkis, Griffin Rock was was a sanctuary, a place of eternal peace...

Merkis looked at her phone... It was nearly 7pm... She did want to stay longer but she had to be getting back.

She got her things and began her journey back to her house... Along the way, she would smile and wave to people, just to look a little more pleasant.

And recently she noticed these distinct vehicles that would go around town now and again. A bright red firetruck, a leafy green bulldozer and a cyber blue police car. She'd look up now and again and see a neon orange helicopter...

They were the new rescue tech that everyone was talking about... Merkis overheard some people saying that they could transform into giant humanoid robots... interesting...

About 25 minutes later. Merkis finally arrives at her house.
It's a large shed hidden in the back of a field. It was old and abandoned, so she decided that it would make a great place to stay in.

She opens the door that's locked with a passcode to a large space that's divided into room like areas. She managed to refurbish and create the inside with her earnings and some tutorials on the internet.

She takes off her shoes and puts her laptop and bags away.

"Tea..." She thought to herself. She walks over to the counter and washes her hands.

She finally opens a small cupboard and in a little drawer, labelled 'teabags' she takes one out and puts it into a cup.

Her days on Griffin Rock are peaceful but... Awfully silent...

"It's never too late..."  A Rescue Bots FanFic (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now