{<¿Clara, your a witch¿>}

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"You peace of shit, we should of never adopted you!" Sean, Clara's adoptive dad shouted as he hit her again, sending her to the floor.

"Stop, please!" Clara begged, but he didn't, he kept hitting her, she soon started seeing black.

Sean had being doing this for years, he was an alcoholic and whenever he was drunk, which was constantly, he would beat her and Mary.

Clara was adopted by Sean and Mary from the young age of 3. Sean started out as a caring parent but when he lost his job, he turned to drinking, and then the abuse started.

Mary and Clara would constantly have to hide within their house from the man, but most of the abuse was on Clara. Sean blamed her for the current situation he was in, and beat her, tell her she was worthless, a waste of space and a freak, because she had heterochromia, her left eye was purple while the other was red.

Mary would always try and stop him but he would just knock her unconscious and then beat Clara till she had bruises all over her body, the worst thing Sean has ever done to her was break her arm, when she was 8.

Now Clara was 11, still being abused and Sean still an alcoholic.

Clara woke up on the floor, she felt immense pain as she stood up, but what she saw made her terrified, Sean was half way through the ceiling, blood dripping down on the floor.

Clara ran to Mary and shook her awake "Mary! S something bads happened!"

Mary slowly got up off the floor, a big bruise on her head, she held the part of her head with the bruise and once she looked at were Sean was, she knew that Clara was a witch, because Mary was adopted into a magical family.

"Clara, did you do this?" Mary asked bending down to Clara's level gently holding the girls shoulders "I I don't know" the girl said sobs emitting from her mouth, Mary pulled the girl into a hug "hey, hey its ok, don't worry, I'm not mad" Mary said calming the girl down.

Mary in fact was happy that Sean got what he deserved, she wanted to leave him and take Clara with her but she was to scared of him to do it.

"Hey, why don't we go see aunty Ace, would you like that?" Mary asked, she felt Clara nod in her shoulder "ok, go get some stuff packed while I take care of this" Clara went up stairs.

Mary picked up her phone and dialed her sister "hey, we have a problem"

Clara got everything she needed and packed it into her suit case, she was about to leave her room when she spotted her Walkman on her bed.

To escape her abusive life, Clara listened to music, she took it everywhere with her.

Clara grabbed her walkman and went downstairs to see Mary was ready, Mary looked at Clara as she got her shoes on "you ready, sweety?" Mary asked

Clara nodded, Mary held out her hand and Clara took it, they exited the house and made there way to Mary's sisters.

Mary knocked on the door and it opened to reveal Ace, who smiled and brought Clara into a hug "hows my favourite niece?" Ace asked as Clara accepted the hug.

"I I'm doing fine" Clara lied.

"Ok, that's good, come on in, I think theres some ice cream in the freezer, go help your self" Ace said with a smile, Clara ran in placing her suit case on the table in the living room.

"So, you think she's magic?" Ace asked, as Mary walked in "yeah, I found Sean halfway through the ceiling"

Ace showed disgust at the mention of the mans name "can't you like tell her one spell to say like, whats the one where things float?" Mary asked her sister.

" wingardium Leviosa?" Ace says and Mary nodded her head, Ace thought about it and agreed, it was the first spell they teach as it was the easiest to learn.

"Ok, I'll just go get a feather" Ace says walking off.

Mary sees Clara enter the living room with a bowl of Ice cream, she makes her way to the couch Mary is sat on as Ace enters the room, placing a feather in the table, moving Clara's suit case.

"Ok, Clara honey, can you come here please" Ace asked, Clara put the bowl down and made her way to Ace.

"Ok, can you concentrate on this feather, and say the words wingardium Leviosa?"

Clara found it odd, but did as her aunty asked, she stared at the feather "wingardium Leviosa" Clara said and the feather began to float into air.

Mary and Ace looked at her in suprise "she's magical" Ace concluded, Clara had no idea what Ace was on about, she looked at the feather, floating in the air, she looked around the room and saw a window open, must of being a draft, she thought and returned to her bowl and began eating again.

Ace looked at Mary "I need to inform the Ministry" Mary simply nodded as Ace left the room again.

Clara looked confusing at Mary "mum, wheres Aunty Ace going?" The girl asked shyly.

"She's going to sort out everything" Mary said laying back on the couch.

Clara didn't want to annoy Mary with more questions, she learned the hard way that asking to many questions is annoying. The hard way been Sean throwing a bottle at her head.

Ace returned to the room and kneed down in front of Clara "Clara, honey what if I told you, that magic was real"

"And that you can do magic, which means you can learn it"

Clara had an unsure smile but nodded in response "Tomorrow, we're gonna have to go to a place called diagon alley, its in London" Ace explained, Clara nodded again and Ace smiled.

"Ok, its really late, go to bed, get some sleep" Ace said sweetly but Clara instantly put her bowl down and went straight upstairs to the bedroom.

Clara got ready for bed and got in, she attempted to close her eyes but she couldn't, all she'd see was him, raising his hand to her.

Clara didn't get a much sleep, instead she got soaked pillow fearing that Sean was coming to get her.

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