{<¿Bathroom Ghost¿>}

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Every first year had been sorted into their houses, throughout the process everyone around Clara kept staring at her.

They we're not being subtle with it, staring plain as day at her eyes, making Clara look down embarrassed and nervous.

"I would first like to say, welcome to the new first years and to tell them that the dark forrest is out of bounds, if you go into the forrest you will be severely punished, now let the feast begin" Dumbledore explained, and then a bunch of food appeared right in front of them, making Clara's eyes widen, she had never seen so much food in her life.

Clara and Luna had just finished eating the starting term banquet, which they both thought was fantastic, they were being led to their house common room by a Ravenclaw prefect, they had to go up 5 flights of stairs to a door with no knob to turn, no keyhole but a bronze knocker in the shape of an eagle.

"Which came first, the Phoenix or the flame?" It asked

"Now, to get into the common room, you need to answer a riddle" the prefect said.

He then turned back to door "a circle has no begining" he answered and the door opened, revealing a big beautiful room, covered in blue carpet.

The group of first year students went in "now, if you go up those stairs they lead to your dorms, which are shared by 2 people, boys on the right, girls on the left, your trunks have already been placed in the rooms and have your names on the door"

The prefect stopped explaining and let the first years get to their dorms, Luna and Clara went up the stairs and pleaded that they were together, mostly Luna because she wanted to know Clara more and being room mates would make it so easy.

Clara looked on the left side of the hallway while Luna looked on the right.

Clara looked at a door that said her name and below it said Luna Lovegood, Clara smiled "Luna" she said softy, Luna looked at Clara then at the door, the blonde smiled brightly as she opened the door to see two beds and their trunks at the end of them.

They both walked in looking around at everything, they both thought it was amazing.

"I was hoping to have you as a room mate" Luna blushed a little.

"Me too" Clara said sitting on her bed, placing her walkman on the bedside cabinet.

Luna smiled as she sat her bed "so, you know what classes you have tomorrow?" Luna asked

Clara nodded and handed Luna her timetable, Luna studied it closely.

She smiled brightly "we have the same classes" the girl said excitedly, Clara smiled as she layed down "good" she said quietly.

Clara was tired, all she wanted to do was sleep but she needed the toilet, she got back up and looked at Luna "do you know where the toilet is?" Clara asked shyly.

"Yeah, its just outside to the left and then straight up, can't miss it" Luna explained happily.

Clara said thank you and went out of their room.

She entered the toilet and went to one of the stalls but was surprised to find a ghost. Clara didn't scream, she knew that there would be ghosts at the castle.

The ghost looked sad, she had glasses on and was wearing a hogwarts uniform "are you ok?" Clara asked softly.

The ghost looked at her and went surprised "Katie?" She said in shock.

Clara looked around nervously "katie? Is that you?" The ghost asked floating over to Clara "I I'm Clara"

The ghost looked confused "sorry I thought you was someone else" she said sadly

"Its your eyes, they're the same as hers, I I just- Nevermind" the ghost began to float away but Clara's curiosity was high "who was Katie?"

The ghost turned around "she was my love, the person I wanted to spend the rest of my life with" The ghost started crying as it flew around and dived right into a toilet, causing water to over flow out of it.

Clara was left shocked and confused, she did what she came to do and went back to her room.

She saw Luna in her bed ready for sleep but she was reading a book. Noticing Clara was back she smiled brightly "find the bathroom ok?"

"Y yeah" Clara said sounding unsure, making Luna worry a little "you ok?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, its just there was a ghost in there"

"Oh, mony Myrtle, yeah shes being in there for ages, maybe I should of told you about her, did you get scared?" Luna asked as Clara walked to her trunk, getting her PJs out "no, it was just- nevermind I'll tell you tomorrow, its time for sleep" Clara then went round a corner and changed before getting into her bed "night Clara" Luna said softy laying down on her pillow.

"Night Luna" Clara said tiredly.

Clara began dreaming.

She was at Hogwarts but things looked odd, newer she round herself, seeing that she was in a classroom with children.

"Ok children, we will now learn the moments of the spell wingardium Leviosa" the teacher said

He then motioned a swish and flick "now, as you can see its a simple swish and flick, now all of you try, you have you're feathers"

Clara noticed someone in the dream that she knew, it was the ghost from the bathroom, but someone was next to her, but Clara couldn't make her out.

Suddenly, a feather was thrown across the classroom, everyone looked at the direction it came from and it was on the girl from the bathroom

"Miss Warren, its swish and flick not flick and swish" the teacher informed her, she looked down embarrassed.

The girl besides her nudged her "hey its ok Myrtle, you'll get it" she said, Myrtle looked at the girl besides and smiled lightly with a blush "you think?" She asked nervously

"Of course, your the smartest girl I know" The girl said making Myrtle chuckle and go bright red.

But then the girl looked directly at Clara, they both locked eyes and Clara gasped, they had the same eyes.

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