{<¿Nice to meet you¿>}

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Ace and Clara were heading toward the Leaky Cauldron, Clara was listening to Africa, By TOTO.

She found it to be the most calming song to listen to whenever she was nervous, and boy was Clara nervous, she was going to a city she's never being to, and going into a pub full of strangers.

Clara held onto her walkman, as they went through the pub to the back.

"Ok, Clara, watch this" Ace said to the nervous girl.

Ace brought out her wand and tapped some bricks, suddenly they started moving making Clara's eye widen in shock.

The bricks opened and Clara saw a long street, filled with people, Clara started to breath heavily, she never liked big crowds or small spaces, so she never had any friends but left her house frequently.

Ace and Clara began walking down the street "ok, Clara first thing first I say we go get your wand, lets see wheres Ollivanders. Ha there it is" Ace said and both girls walked towards and entered the shop.

Clara looked around, seeing lots of long wooden boxes, the two walked towards the desk and was greeted by a old man "hello, what can I do for you today?" He asked politely.

"My niece is going to be starting school soon, and she needs a wand"

The old man looked at Clara, studied her before going and grabbing a box and placing it on the counter and opening the box "this is ebony wood with a unicorn hair core, 12 inches"

He took it out the box and gently handed it to Clara, she shyly accepted and suddenly there was a bright light that slowly died down leaving faces of bewilderment on the two adults "so, um, how much will that be?" Ace asked still stunned by the moment before.

"7 galleons, please"

Ace handed the man the money and girls left the shop, Clara looked at the long peace of wood in her hand as she walked but then she bumped into someone dropping the wand.

She dropped down and picked it up

She looked up to see a blonde girl "I'm so sorry please forgive me" Clara said quickly, thinking she was going to get hit by the girl in front of her.

"Ok, I forgive you" she said sweetly

Clara looked at the girl properly, looking into her eyes "y you forgive me?" Clara said nervously

"Why not, we were both distracted, I'm Luna, nice to meet you" she held out her hand, Clara shyly took it and shook her hand.

"I I'm Clara"

Luna looked into Clara's eyes and found them strangely fascinating not only because of the two different colours but there was something else that intrigued her.

"Clara will you be going to Hogwarts?" Luna asked, Clara had no idea what a Hogwarts was, luckily Ace stepped in "Yes she will, starting next week" Ace said happily.

"That's good, I hear its nice" Luna said

"Luna, come on we've got more stuff to get" a man said, who looked a little like Luna, must be her father, Clara thought "bye Clara, I'll see you at Hogwarts" Luna said sweetly, before going to her father.

"Bye Luna" Clara said quietly, she looked up to Ace who had a smirk "seems like you have a friend even before you started"

Clara did think Luna was nice from the limited interaction they had, but then she thought about the first time she met Sean, thinking he was great but that turned out to be not true, Clara put her wand into her coat inside pocket.

Ace brought out the list of things Clara needed for Hogwarts "ok next is the books, follow me"

Ace and Clara went into the local book shop to be greeted by a large crowd, Clara started heavily breathing as she put her headphones on and started listening to the calming voice of Elton John singing Your song.

Clara began to calm down listening to the song and the beat of the music but was interrupted by someone barging into her.

"Watch it mud blood" the boy said harshly and carried on walking, Clara didn't know what the boy ment by 'mud blood' but the way he said it, made her think it was a bad term.

Ace came back with the books and noticed Clara's facial expression "whats wrong?" Ace asked.

"T this boy barged into me and called me a mud blood, what does it mean?"

Ace immediately went disgusted by the word "it means dirty blood, its what nasty people call muggles who come from family's who are muggles themselves with no magical relatives" Ace explained as the tow walked out of the shop.

"Am I a mud blood?" Clara asked

Ace looked at Clara, knowing that it was true, her biological parents were both muggles with no magical background, finding out Clara could do magic was a suprise but not totally unexpected.

"Yes, but your muggle born, only nasty people say mud blood, its mainly the pure blood families that use the term"

Clara now knew to stay away from pure blood families but she didn't know who they were, she thought about spending the last week before starting at Hogwarts reading and learning about everything in the world of wizards and witchs.

Clara liked reading and learning, when she was in normal school, the teachers said she was quite intelligent and creative.

When they got back to Ace's house, after getting everything else that the young girl needed. Clara got straight into the books that Ace had about the magical word first starting with the history of Hogwarts and then moving on to fantastic beasts and where to find them.

While reading all of these books, Clara felt amazed by all of the creatures and history of a world she didn't know existed till yesterday.

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