AO continued- Jayers

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It had been about 3 weeks since Jakes last heat, and he had been feeling somewhat.. sick.. But this was the first time he had ever had something like this happen to him.

Jake had woken up and instantly felt nauseous, speeding out of his tent and throwing up into the bushes outside of it, feeling like death was consuming him. The small wolf like male leaned back, his tail hanging low, tucked between his legs practically. Jake hadn't done anything to cause sickness.. and he hadn't been in contact with the plague for months, which usually induced sickness a while after.. so this had to be something else. Jake cleaned himself back up, combed through his hair a bit, then walked towards the campfire, the leaves that had fallen from the trees around him crunching beneath every step he took. He slowly emerged into the clearing, his friends surrounding the crackling fire, taking in the smell of smoke. Jake walked over to Claudette, a mouse like female, and someone who was knowledgeable in medication and health, to possibly find out what was going on with his health. "Hey.. Erm.. Claudette.. I wanted to ask you something.. sorry for interrupting you and Meg.. it's just.. something feels off with me right now.." Claudette nodded, and looked over to her fox girlfriend, giving her beta girlfriend a soft peck, before getting up off the log and following Jake to a deserted area of the clearing. "So Jake," Claudette began, "what's been going on? Something wrong with your heat? I-" Jake quickly cut her off, "Claudette.. I threw up this morning.. I've been feeling nauseous and I just feel completely drained...". Claudette took this into consideration, clicking her tongue. "Jake.. I.. you haven't.. no.. no plague recently.. you.. Jake have you had sex recently?" The small female looked at him, worry lacing her words. Jake stuttered, stumbling over his words, knowing that she knew of her and Michael. "Y-yes, but what are you getting at?". Claudette swallowed thickly, fixing her glasses, her thin tail flicking around a bit. "Jake.. I didn't think this is possible.. but there's been no signs of any sickness or anything like that... I.. the only conclusion that I can come to is that.. you're pregnant." Claudette finished, biting her lip at the end, grabbing Jakes hands. "I.. you.. you're kidding right? This is all just some funny joke.. you're... there's a baby in me..? How would they even live in this world??? Would they just forever be a baby?? Never grow up? Or would they grow up and then participate in this sick game that we all have to go through? Or.. or will they d..-". Jake was cut off by Claudette pulling him into a tight hug, and that's when it finally hit him. Jake could be having a child, a baby of his own... and that's when Jake started to cry... sobbing onto Claudette's head.  "Claudette.. w-what.. what am I going to say to everyone.. to.. to him??" Jake choked out, before he felt an icy tendril wrap around him. The entity was sending him to a playground..   

      Jake opened his eyes, as the cool air hit him, and water trailed his face, this was obviously Mother's Dwelling, a playground he would enjoy, but given the circumstances he was in, and the realization that hit him, he couldn't feel any sort of relief being here. He walked around, not hearing any sort of heartbeat raise in his ears, but he smelt it.. cinnamon candy.. his mate was here. Jake was going to have to face him sooner than he thought. The small boys tail tucked between his legs, following the scent directly, finding him immediately. The tall male looked down at him, and nodded, following him to a corner of the playground. The small wolf made his way to a corner, and then stopped, turning towards his mate, having a tough look for only a few moments more, before he broke down in tears. Michael reacted almost instantly, his tail sticking straight up and his ears flattening. He grabbed his mate and lifted him up, lifting up his mask a bit, and giving him a slight kiss on the cheek. Jake sobbed, crying into the crook of his neck, and Michael, well Michael had no idea what to do. Jake leaned back, tears staining his face, his eyes red and puffy and his nose a bit red too. "M-M-Michael I.." the mute peeled his face back, and gave him a soft kiss, before rubbing his back, trying to calm the boy. Jakes tail twitched, and his ears were completely flattened. "Michael.. there's no way.. I-I can avoid this. I'm- I'm pregnant Michael.". The tall mute stiffened, leaning away from Jake, unable to comprehend this for a moment, before looking back down at Jake. "I-I'm alright if you.. don't.. don't want me to be your mate anymore.. o-or if you want me to get rid of the baby.. but I'm.. im going to try to keep it.. and.. and.. I..-" Jake was cut off by Michael kissing him, passionately, but.. softly. Jake kissed back, fully understanding his motions and reason for the kiss.

"W-What are we going to do... she won't let us keep the baby.. and.. and I would need surgery to get the baby out.. or.. or I might.. actually die." Jake choked out, which caused Michael to tense up, tightening his grasp on him. "Y-y-you.. w-w..we.. we will.. b-be.. ok.". Jake looked up, hearing a deep, soothing voice. Michael stared back at him, his lips quivering a bit. Jake stopped crying after a bit longer, and kissed him gently. "We're going to be ok, all of us.." Jake smiled. Michael put him down, watching every movement he made even closer. Throughout all the touching moments, all the generators had popped, and they were unfortunately right next to a door, and there stood.. Laurie, staring at them, jaw dropped.

      "Jake.. why would you do this to me?" Laurie stared at him dejectedly, her normal bright smile gone, replaced by her ears being droopy, and her tail swaying side to side, anger and sadness overcoming her. "Jake why the fuck would you do this? What the HELL is wrong with you? Do you have no fucking common sense? You're so fucking stupid!" Laurie screamed out, her entire body rigid, shaking in anger, tears streaming down her beautiful pale skin. Jake stared at her, his tail shaking softly, his ears pinned back, "Laurie! Please, don't be mad at me, well.. you have every right to be, but please.. please allow me to explain myself to you before you hate me for the rest of our.. lives.". Jake stared at her, as she looked him and her brother over, before letting out a soft, saddened sigh. "Talk to me away from.. that.. him." She spun into her heal and ran out the door, leaving just him and Michael standing there.

     "This is going to be hard.. for me, you, and the baby, but we can do this." Jake turned and looked at Michael, slowly grabbing his hand and resting it on his stomach. "This is our baby Michael..." Jake whispered. The mute picked him up and carried him to the exit, slowly setting him down and letting him leave the playground.

                     This was going to be insanely
Hard for them, but they were going to make it work no
                   Matter the cost.. no matter the
  Pain and hardships they may face through these few

I kind of struggled with this story? Seeing as I haven't produced anything from this in a while, I just decided to try something weird. Anyway, love you all!!

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