First kiss

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Hello lovebugs! This au is all a normal au, more in Jakes timeline, 2020. No murder, no entity, just some nice cute highschool romance! I hope you enjoy!

"Just breathe Jake.. alright alright.. it's just I'm going on a date with the cutest boy ever??? I mean.. ughhhh Claudette will know what to do..". Jake jogged at a nice pace, his well tanned skin glistened under the bright sky, the heat pounding down on him. Jake usually went on runs in the forest when he was stressed.. tired.. depressed.. ok maybe he just went on a run just for the heck of it. But this run, he was here because he was freaking out and pretty nervous. Jake always felt a strong attraction towards the buff mute but never thought he could land him. Fortunately, Laurie was one of his best friends!! And Michael's sister.. so she had a way of convincing him to do what she asked. And Jake was more grateful then ever. He sighed, sweat dripping down his forehead, and feeling a new sense of calm as he reached his house once more. He slowly opened up the door to his home, only to hear a soft, but stern voice greet him. "Jake dear, you have 30 minutes to get ready for your little hang out with your friends! Be ready or I won't take you, alright?". "Yes mother.. I'm ready as I'll ever be." Jake ran up the stairs, concealing his nervousness. He rushed into the bathroom to get ready, knowing he didn't want to smell like sweat and nature.

        After a nice and thorough shower, he went though and combed his hair, brushed his teeth, and sprayed on deodorant. He rushed into his room and threw on a nice cute white polo with tight black jeans, knowing it was going to be cool tonight. He sighed, fixing his hair a bit more, then sprayed himself with cologne that was sitting on his armoire. He slowly went over and picked up his phone, having 10 minutes before he left. The small boy decided to call Claudette, one of his closest friends, knowing she'd calm him down, as his nerves were pretty shot. A soft, sweet voice rang out from the phone. "Hey big shot!! Are you all ready! You look lovely!" "Thank you so much Claudette.. I'm a bit nervous as.. you know.. it's a date!". Claudette smiled at him through the phone, and laughed a bit. "No need to be so tense Jake! Calm down and take deep breaths." "I'm trying Claudette! It isn't everyday your biggest crush ever decides to go on a date with you!". Claudette could only giggle, about to say something before Jakes mom walked in. "Honey, lets go. Say goodbye to Claudette and let's get out of here.". "Alright.. bye Claudette!" He quickly hung up on her, then dashed out the door, his mother following in pursuit.

The mute wasn't exactly any better than Jake nervous wise. He usually didn't show much emotion but he just was losing it today. Laurie, his younger sister, was standing in the doorway, arms crossed, looking him up and down. Michael has gorgeous blonde locks that fell halfway past his shoulders, with one honey brown eye and one bright blue eye. Laurie took note of the fact that he was just wearing a sweatshirt with some blue jeans, and sighed, knowing she couldn't change his outfit now.. or maybe..

The doorbell rang right before Laurie could do anything, and the mute was petrified, but didn't show it. He stood and waited, allowing Laurie to go because she could do all the talking. "Hello Mrs.Park! Hello Jake!" Laurie smiled, seeing how well Jake cleaned up.. and how.. oh no. "Hello dear! Where's your brother? Miguel.. erm.. m.. m.. Michael! Sorry my love, it slipped my mind entirely.". "Don't worry about it Mrs. Park, my brother is waiting up in his room, so Jake can go right on up." "Lovely lovely, thank you, you're wonderful as usual Laurie.". "No problem!" Jake would quickly rush inside, giving a slight nod towards Laurie before racing up the stairs and slowly knocking on Michael's door.

    Jake waited there for what seemed like an eternity, before a slight creak sounded from the old wooden door, and out came the tall buff mute. Jakes jaw was basically on the floor, but quickly hid his sudden reaction with a smile and a soft blush. "!" Jake slowly walked into his room and sat down on his bed. He took in the navy blue walls with a soft fluffy carpet on the floor, his bed matched the walls with navy blue print on a white colored comforter. His bed was large, easily a queens. He sat there, before he felt a soft bounce in the bed. MICHAEL WAS SITTING RIGHT NEXT TO ME?? I'm frigging dreammiiinggg!!

     "So.. I um.. your room is very nice.. it smells like lavender hahaaaa.." Jake trailed, his true shy side kicking his ass. Michael only nodded, slowly resting his hand next to Jakes leg. Jake took notice to it and slowly put his hand near his, his pinkie finger resting gently over Michael's. Michael jerked a bit, the touch foreign, he was going to leave it there until he noticed Jakes slightly hurt face, and decided to put his hand back in its place.

     After a few moments of complete silence, Jake broke through it. "Soo.. want to um.. watch a movie? I was thinking Up!" Jake smiled, his perfect tan face a dusty rose color. Michael thought for a moment, before shaking his head. "Do you.. not like up?". Michael quickly shook his head, and then pointed to his eyes, then made a pouty face. Jake stared for a moment before giggling a bit. "You're worried I'm going to cry?? You're adorable!!! I'm going to be fine.". Michael slowly shrugged his shoulders, reaching over the bed and grabbing a tightly snug in laptop between his bed and desk. He slowly laid back in the bed, Jake awkwardly following along, perfectly angled to not be touching Michael. Jake watched as Michael pulled up Netflix, and put on Up, a huge smile spread across his face.

    Well. Jake lied. He was a utter sobfest. The moment the scene when he went to see his wife in the hospital, it broke him, and after that, he was crying the entire time. Michael wasn't saying anything, or doing anything, one because seeing Jake cry broke him, and two, Jake was wrapped around his forearm, nuzzled into his shoulder. And he couldn't, under any circumstance, move him. It was the end of the movie and this broke Jake more, he moved up and rested between his neck and shoulder. Michael froze up, hearing the doorbell ring. Laurie yelled up the stairs that Jakes mom was here, Michael only had 5 minutes.

      Jake sat up in a daze, covered in tears. He slowly turned towards Michael, sadness shown in his eyes, more so than just from the movie. "Sucks I can't stay longer.." Jake mumbled, and Michael sat up alongside him, staring at him for a bit. Jake sighed, but was caught off guard by Michael's sudden movement.

      Michael had quickly pulled Jake into a kiss, a short and sweet one, but Jake loved it just as much. He pulled back after a moment, the usually cold and composed male now red and a bit shaky. Jake was bright red, and also shaky. "I um.. y.. you.. are we.. are we a thing??". Michael took a moment, before nodding towards Jake, a soft smile spreading across his face. Jake practically screamed, but kept himself calm. "Well.. I.. see you around Mikey!" Jake hopped up, giving him a fast wave, before going to his waiting mother. Michael didn't know why, but he felt as if.. this was meant to be. Why? He couldn't say.. but he just felt it.

   Sorry if this one isn't as good, it might have been kind of rushed due to me thinking you guys were kind of mad at me, oopsss—

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2020 ⏰

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