Chapter 33 - Standard

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Percy headed towards the Colosseum, since it was the most visible point and he knew the Roman Forum was close.

Once at the Colosseum he asked someone passing by for directions to the Roman Forum and soon found himself amongst the ruins of the ancient religious centre of Rome.

Column capitals and blocks lay scattered amongst the ruins of various temples, all in various states of collapse from earthquakes and many parts being cannibalised for other buildings, and yet still standing tall.

Percy strolled down Via Sacra, skirted the arch of the Emperor Titus, passed the Temple of Vesta and Temple of Caesar and finally found himself approaching the east side of the Temple of Saturn. Percy frowned up at the Temple of Saturn.

It wasn't much, really just six columns along one side of the temple with one measly column remaining on each side. But a quick glance at the relevant information for the former temple informed Percy that those eight columns were only the front porch of the temple.

He hesitated, glancing around at all of the tourists whom were meandering around the ruins.

The demigod wasn't sure how he could get up to the temple without questions being raised by mortals around him, since he was certain they wouldn't appreciate him clambering over the ancient ruins.

But Percy didn't know what to do or search for when he got up to the temple, set two dozen feet above him.

There was no one whom could provide a distraction for the demigod, so Percy sighed and vaulted over the railing. He scaled the foundations of the temple with ease, hauling himself up and realising just how large the Ionic columns were.

Percy turned his attention away from the towering columns and frowned down at the main area of the temple, now just forlorn steps leading down towards jutting and crumbling walls of stone with smaller areas protected from the elements. Percy put his hands on his hips.

"Okay, Kronos," Percy said to the air, "I'm here."

He wasn't sure what he was expecting, maybe for Kronos to emerge from nowhere and hand something over to him, but Percy assumed that was rather unlikely considering how they'd yet again parted ways.

Percy scanned over the ruins, more than aware that many tourists were gaping at him as he trampled across one of the most ancient temples in Rome. There was nothing there. Percy ground his teeth, wondering if Luke and Kronos had just sent him on a wild chase for something that didn't exist, before his gaze landed on one of the smaller areas covered with a tarpaulin.

Or, more specifically, the smoky figure of a jaguar as it opened its mouth in a wide yawn that bared sharp wispy canines at the demigod before rising to it's large paws and leaping down from its perch.

The weeds beneath its paws flattened, leaving Percy questioning whether it really was conjured from the Mist or was in fact a real jaguar. Percy backed up either way, since those fangs looked sharp.

The big cat stretched once more, looking rather irritated to have been woken. Percy heard a loud caw, and glanced up to find a crow had landed on the very top of the Temple of Saturn. It peered down at the demigod before turning and grooming through its wing with its beak.

Percy hesitated as the jaguar slipped underneath the tarp, before sighing and following.

Stupid immortals with their complex signs.

The alpha ended up jarring his knee when he landed, grunting as he dropped to one knee, the fall further than he'd expected. He turned and peered back up, but the exit had sealed over.

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