Chapter 71 - Preparations

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Jason trusted Marcus and the other Emperors to want the best for New Rome. Whether their opinions of what was best were ones that actually were best, however, was another matter.

"I got in touch with Julius earlier," Marcus said to Jason, "whilst I was with Lupa, at her suggestion. Her and I, we discussed rather a lot about New Rome and what she wanted for the future of New Rome."

The son of Jupiter frowned slightly. The straps of the shield on his arm dug into his skin despite the hoodie Jason had pulled on over his purple Camp Jupiter shirt. It was perhaps made worse by the lingering burns he had along his upper left arm and torso. Jason wasn't entirely sure how they'd managed to limp back to Camp Jupiter after Hyperion's blast, but he suspected some form of magic from the former Emperors having an influence on their survival.

"And?" Jason prompted when Marcus seemed content to stay silent without Jason saying anything in response.

"He said he'd get on a plane and fly over," Marcus said. "It's an eleven-hour flight, he should be here by the evening."

Jason grunted. "Thanks for the warning," he said.

Marcus chuckled and nodded. "Of course," he said calmly. "He's also managed to find his sword. I am curious to see how he gets it past security," Marcus mused.

Jason paused briefly at the thought of Julius Caesar being waylaid by security because he attempted to smuggle a large, ancient sword onto an airplane and decided the image wasn't one he had the time to be worried about.

The cohorts had worked swiftly through the night to raise the foundations of defences around Camp Jupiter and there was the beginning of trenches and walls being raised around the borders of Camp Jupiter. To the north and the east was where the greatest defences would be, for the Little Tiber bordered the Camp along the west and south. Lupa's wolves also patrolled the Oakland Hills to the south. Aside from Temple Hill, the south was well shielded. Chrysaor would probably struggle to defend along the entire length of the Little Tiber, which clearly Reyna had also considered, as there were defences being built within the bend of the Tiber to the south. Jason was also glad to see the beginnings of defences around the undefended regions of Temple Hill on the furthest corner of Camp Jupiter.

Reyna and Frank were directing the organised chaos from the Field of Mars, Jason having seamlessly joined them with his own guards which melded with that of the Praetors'.

Reyna had cast a disapproving frown in Jason's direction, but had nodded at him too, clearly having suspected that he wouldn't be sitting this out in the infirmary.

"Chrysaor and the Greeks on the western side," Reyna said. "I was thinking we have the Fifth Cohort join them during the defence," she informed Jason. "Since they welcomed Percy and know him better, they're likely to work better with Greeks than the other Cohorts are."

Jason nodded slightly. "A good idea," he agreed. It was probably an oversight on their part, but he had no idea just how many demigods Luke would be bringing with him. It would be easier to plan if they did know. "As long as they can get along." While the Fifth Cohort had welcomed Percy, Jason rather thought they might have a different greeting for demigods who'd betrayed Olympus in favour of the Titans. Loyalty was everything to a Roman. "With Lupa's wolves patrolling to the south, we should only need one Cohort to the south too," Jason said. "The Fourth, maybe?"

Reyna nodded slightly. "That leaves the First, Second and Third to cover the north and east," she mused.

"That's doable," Jason agreed.

"They're more likely to come from the east," Frank noted. "Unless they want to sail a fleet into San Francisco Bay, anchor offshore, launch boats and march through the Bay Area and Berkeley to us. Especially if this is coming from Commodus too, he's coming from Indianapolis to us."

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