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Josh and Tyler havin some secksy times smuch smuch mmmmMMMMMM. Tyler did a secks niose. Yes daddy said Tyler, and, Josh. MMmMMMMMmmmMMM Josh said. Tey did the do, which is not a good do, but a bad one. They both knew they were going to hell. But MMMMMMMMMMM secksy times. They kisses and stuff. That's how it works, Tyler got pregnatr, which is possible. He took a preganngny test the next day witch is how long it takes, Tyler whent to the hiospitsl and the docotr shot him because death was better then the pain he would be in as a pregnant male, the children would most likley die right as they were born and so would tyler. Josh was sad but didn't really care for Tyler much anyway, he just liked seckxy times.

The end.

Josh went to prison for se.xual abuse.

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